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                                    60 NO B.S. Direct MarketingSECTION 1 / FOUNDATIONadvertising, with the contribution to brand recognition as a bonus. A relatively small percentage of brand-name advertisers know how to do this well, so you have to be very careful about who you model. ,W%u00b7V%u0003DOVR%u0003ZRUWK%u0003QRWLQJ%u0003WKDW%u0003WKHUH%u00b7V%u0003QR%u0003JXDUDQWHH%u0003RI%u0003VXFFHVV%u0003or sustainability with widespread brand recognition and brand equity. Some once very famous and dominant brands are, today, badly tarnished shadows of their former selves, or dead. In the motel industry, the leading American brands were+ROLGD\\%u0003,QQ%u0003DQG%u0003+RZDUG%u0003-RKQVRQ%u00b7V%u0011%u0003Pontiac was once a leading car brand in the GM portfolio, DQG%u000f%u0003IRU%u0003D%u0003WLPH%u000f%u00035DPEOHU%u0003ZDV%u0003WKH%u0003EUDQG%u0003WKDW%u0003VWRRG%u0003IRU%u0003UHOLDELOLW\\%u000f%u0003DQG%u0003 5DPEOHU%u0003 GRPLQDWHG%u0003 WKH%u0003 VWDWLRQ%u0003 ZDJRQ%u0003 FDWHJRU\\%u0011%u0003 0RUH%u0003recently, Borders was one of the two top brands in bookselling. Some of the brands you know and perceive to be dominant OHDGHUV%u0003 LQ%u0003 WKHLU%u0003 %u00c0HOGV%u0003 DQG%u0003 SURGXFW%u0003 FDWHJRULHV%u0003 WRGD\\%u0003 ZLOO%u0003 EH%u0003diseased or dead within 10 years. The graveyard of once powerful brands is big, and welcomes new arrivals frequently. Any idea of inevitability of an established brand is foolish and GDQJHURXV%u0003FRQFHLW%u0011%u0003&RQVLGHU%u0003 6($56%u000f%u0003 RQFH%u0003 WKH%u0003$PD]RQ%u0003 RI%u0003LWV%u0003era, and the dominant all-goods retailer, and one of the bestknown and trusted brand names. None of that guaranteed its permanence.Why, When, and How to Do Un-Branded AdvertisingThere is a case for ignoring branding altogether, entirely, or situationally. What I am about to reveal here is a very, very powerful advertising and marketing strategy well-known to Direct Marketers but largely ignored or misunderstood by all others. It is the deliberate use of nakedly un-branded advertising. 
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