Page 16 - New Employee Glossary
P. 16

Glossary    16

               A part of Biogen's commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace. The standard is
               that when you are at work your judgment or physical abilities should never be impaired by
               alcohol or drugs, and you should always be ready to carry out your work duties

               Corporate Strategy (CS)

               Function that analyzes the major initiatives taken by the Company.

               Cost Center (CC)

               Identifies departments, divisions, or units of an organization where the manager of each is
               responsible for all its associated costs and for ensuring adherence to its cost budgets.

               Cost Collection System

               Time, Expense Reports, and Fees and Services interface with Project Accounting.

               Cost of Debt

               The rate that a firm pays on current debt. This can be measured in either before- or after-tax
               returns; however, because interest expense is deductible, the after-tax cost is seen most
               often. Companies with high credit ratings will typically have a lower cost of debt.

               Cost of Equity

               The return that stockholders require for investing in a company. All else being equal, the
               cost of equity is higher if a security’s volatility is closely related to volatility of the market.

               Cost of Goods Sold (COGS)

               Cost attributable to producing and distributing commercial product.

               Cost of Sales

               The price of buying or making an item that is sold; also called cost of goods sold (COGS).
               Cost of sales includes direct material costs, direct labor costs, and factory overhead
               associated with manufacturing the finished goods.

               Council for International Organizations of Medical Sciences (CIOMS)

               Organization that provides an international form for reporting Suspected Unexpected
               Serious Adverse Reactions (SUSARs)

               Country Management & Field Operations (CM&FO)
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