Page 21 - New Employee Glossary
P. 21

Glossary    21

               A cross-functional governance committee with representation from each of the Discovery
               Biology Departments, Small Molecule Drug Discovery, Biologics Drug Discovery,
               Translational Sciences and Technology, and Portfolio Planning. This committee approves
               project plans and sets the strategy for the research portfolio including technical initiatives
               and projects across the exploratory and early research stages. They approve the initiation of
               new projects and resourcing for all activities supported by research.

               Disease Free Survival (DFS)

               People who experience a complete remission after finishing treatment.

               Distribution List (DL)

               A collection of contacts that provides an easy way to send e-mail messages to a group of


               Disposition or sale of an asset by a company. A company will often divest an asset which is
               not performing well, which is not vital to the company's core business, or which is worth
               more to a potential buyer or as a separate entity than as part of the company.

               Dividends to Shareholders

               Companies pay dividends to the shareholders who own the companies. If any dividends
               have been paid during the period being reported, they are shown on this line. These can be
               to common stock holders, preferred stock holders, or other investors depending on the
               company. Dividends usually are paid only once a year.

               DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)

               Double stranded, helical molecular chain found within the nucleus of each cell, carries
               genetic information encoding proteins.

               Due Diligence

               The process of research and analysis that takes place before a business partnership, an
               investment, or a takeover. Includes a business and operations review, financial analysis,
               reviewing press and Securities & Exchange Commission filings, checking for regulatory and
               licensing problems, identifying liens and judgments, and uncovering civil and criminal
               litigation matters.
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