Page 25 - New Employee Glossary
P. 25

Glossary    25

               Randomized multi-center study of the anti-CD23 monoclonal antibody lumiliximab in
               combination with FCR, compared with FCR alone

               Executive Administrative Assistant (EAA)

               An individual who provides various kinds of administrative support to an executive in the

               Executive Search (ES)

               Specialized recruitment service used to find candidates for senior or executive positions in
               an organization.

               Existing Employees

               Full time employees (FTEs)

               Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS)

               Scale used to measure a patient’s level of disability due to Multiple Sclerosis. The score
               ranges from 0 (no disability) to 10 (death) in 20 half-point steps

               Expected Net Present Value (eNPV)

               Has to do with the balance between the influx and outgo of cash that is anticipated to occur
               during an upcoming period. The idea is to project the net present value that will occur during
               that upcoming period and make adjustments in the business operation accordingly. Doing
               so makes it easier to predict the net assets that will be in place to help the business remain
               financially viable in the future.


               Results from or measures the using up of an asset (e.g. depreciation) or incurrence of a
               liability to obtain revenue in the current period. Expenses are indicated on income
               statements and may be informally referred to as ”the cost of doing business.”

               Extended Leadership Team (XLT)

               Tasked with refining, communicating and helping to execute our corporate strategy.

               eXtensible Business Reporting Language (XBRL)

               A freely available and global standard for exchanging business information. XBRL allows the
               expression of semantic meaning commonly required in business reporting. The language is
               XML-based and uses the XML syntax and related XML technologies such as XML Schema,
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