Page 26 - New Employee Glossary
P. 26
Glossary 26
XLink, XPath, and Namespaces. One use of XBRL is to define and exchange financial
information, such as a financial statement. The XBRL Specification is developed and
published by XBRL International, Inc. (XII).
External Expenses
All other expenses (not Workforce or Infrastructure Expenses) incurred in the operations of
the business. These are the costs that we incur to execute our core competencies of
conducting research, executing clinical trials, and manufacturing and promoting our
products. Also captured here are standard “corporate” expenses, including legal and
accounting fees, insurance, etc.
March Reforecasting of the Annual Operating Plan
June Reforecasting of the Annual Operating Plan
September Reforecasting of the Annual Operating Plan
F9 (Refresh)
Refresh in Hyperion Workspace. Customized calculation and aggregation of data within the
Hyperion Planning application.
Fair Market Value
The price that an interested but not desperate buyer would be willing to pay and an
interested but not desperate seller would be willing to accept on the open market assuming
a reasonable period of time for an agreement to arise.
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS)
A method of evaluating fatigue in multiple sclerosis (MS). Designed to differentiate fatigue
from clinical depression. The scale consists of a short questionnaire that requires the
subject to rate his or her level of fatigue.