Page 70 - New Employee Glossary
P. 70
Glossary 70
Workforce Planning (WP)
Human capital management
World Congress of Neurology (WCN)
Annual meeting of the world's top neurologists.
World Health Organization (WHO)
Specialized agency of the United Nations that acts as a coordinating authority on matters of
international public health.
Write-down / Write-off
A write-down is the reduction of part of the balance of an asset by charging an expense or
loss account. The reason for a write-down is that some economic event has occurred
indicating that the asset’s value has diminished.
XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language
A freely available and global standard for exchanging business information. XBRL allows the
expression of semantic meaning commonly required in business reporting. The language is
XML-based and uses the XML syntax and related XML technologies such as XML Schema,
XLink, XPath, and Namespaces. One use of XBRL is to define and exchange financial
information, such as a financial statement. The XBRL Specification is developed and
published by XBRL International, Inc. (XII).
XLT (Extended Leadership Team)
Tasked with refining, communicating and helping to execute our corporate strategy.
Year-to-Date (YTD)
The period extending from the beginning of the year to the present. In business, note that
the beginning of the year is not always January 1; many companies have fiscal years
beginning at other times.