Page 67 - New Employee Glossary
P. 67

Glossary    67

               Focus on a specific demographic population, disease, or health issue.

               Thesaurus Management System (TMS)

               Oracle’s system for managing medical dictionaries and for coding verbatim terms entered
               into Oracle Clinical, RDC, and AERS.

               Thought Leader Liaison (TLL)

               Liaison between thought leaders and the business.

               Time Series

               Used to choose among alternative time frames (e.g., current month, quarter-to-date, year-to-

               Time to Progression (TTP)

               The length of time from the date of diagnosis or the start of treatment for a disease until the
               disease starts to get worse or spread to other parts of the body. In a clinical trial, measuring
               the time to progression is one way to see how well a new treatment works

               TR (Training Room)

               Larger conference room dedicated to training.

               Training Activity Record (TAR)

               Required to document internal trainings for official "training records"


               A Transfer occurs when you need to move one employee or multiple employees from one
               Entity and Cost Center to another Entity and Cost Center

               Translational Science & Technology (TST)

               This group integrates the basic sciences of biopharmaceutics, biochemistry, immunology,
               metabolism, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, pathology, and toxicology
               to accomplish development objectives.

               Treasury Stock
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