Page 7 - NFS Value Prop Recruiting Booklet
P. 7

Strategic Approach with Competitive

        Leadership                        Business Development

        3 Proven Sales and Support        3 Alternative Channel programs with
          Leaders with unique and critical   industry specific business partners,
          experiences                      expertise and Loan Officer (LO)
                                           execution support
           - Scale and mid-size organizations
                                          3 Industry leading lead generation
           -  Distributed Direct to Consumer
            and Business to Business sales and   capabilities and “Selling AAG” sales
            fulfillment platforms          process
                                          3  National brand with comprehensive
           -  Experience in both Reverse and
            Traditional 1st mortgage sales and   Direct to Consumer and Business
            support                        to Business marketing tools and
                                           commitment to local LO execution
           -  Industry specific expertise in self-

        Training & Education              Sales Support
        3 Hands-on, in-person orientation   3  Dedicated fulfillment and credit
          and new hire training            resources with workflows to
                                           support field sales and purchase
        3  Industry-leading "Tier II" program
          (inexperienced Reverse Mortgage   3  Change execution resources to
          Loan Officer)                    drive efficient regulatory and
                                           company initiative implementation
        3 Dedicated on-boarding team to
          smooth transition and provide post   3 Strong origination platform and
          training systems support         contact management technology
        3 Ongoing sales process coaching     -  Salesforce and Lendforce
          through Divisional Sales Coaches
        3 Business to Business Self Source
          coaching through industry specific
          Business Development Specialists
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