P. 66

How to Play Kurai Hitokage NPCs                        be reasoned with, blood-thirsty, and kills with ex-

                                                                treme prejudice.  Should the Kichiku-sama engage
                                                                any character, he will attempt to kill them in the most
            The Grand Master known as Ono is a fearless         violent and gruesome way imaginable utilizing his
         leader.  Although Ono leads with an iron fist, who     most powerful techniques to achieve this bloodlust
         maintains a secret from everyone.  As Ono and his      frequently.
         older brother Oki, the being now known as the          TORU
         Kichiku-sama, were ascending the ranks of the Kurai
         Hitokage, the two shared a plan of Ono being the sec-     Toru is the most adventurous elder in the Kurai
         ond in command to the Kichiku-sama, and the two        Hitokage Ninja Clan.  An elder by the age of twenty
         ruling as one.  While training, Ono watched as his     years old, Toru has earned the respect of both Ono
         brother repeatedly entered the Akuma No Hitokage,      and Konachi.  With this accomplishment as his fuel,
         emerging more powerful each time, until the being      Toru can be braggadocios and brash toward all of his
         that stood before him was no longer his brother, and   underlings.  Toru is consumed by his goal of obtain-
         barely a man.  Declaring himself the Kichiku-sama,     ing the most powerful sword in all of Japan, the
         and announcing his plan to destroy all humanity, Ono   Shukumei-Ken.  Having only held a replica, briefly,
         learned that he could not subscribe to the destiny of   and facing the real sword in battle, it is now the only
         the bloodthirsty maniac his brother became.  As the    item Toru feels is worthy of pursuit.
         legend of the “Man of 1,000 Demons” grew, Ono
         devised a plan to imprison the being in hopes of free-     As a character, Toru’s impatience for diplomacy
         ing him from his demonic state later.  A final fight   thrusts him into physical confrontations quickly.
         with the Kichiku-sama cost Ono his eye, yet the de-    Though a capable combatant, Toru primarily utilizes
         mon was imprisoned deep within a lone chamber of       his skills as a leader, organizing missions where his
         the Shisha no Dokutsu, and over time, Ono was de-      underlings carry out their duties through his meticu-
         clared the Head Elder of the Kurai Hitokage.           lous plan.  This allows Toru to walk behind the car-
                                                                nage undetected.  Toru is cunning and skills warrior
            Ono is a ruthless warrior with an unyielding de-    of the shadows, who this skill to gain leverage over
         termination.  Having the ability to tap into his abun-  his targets.  His methods of attacking from and re-
         dance of Ki Energy, Ono uses his Mystic Abilities      treating to the shadows is unparalleled.  As a fighter,
         primarily using his knowledge of distance and dis-     Toru tries to overwhelm his opponents with wild flur-
         tractions to circumvent altercations.                  ries of movements, changes of pace, ferocity, and

                                                                attack angles, using faster, harder to defend tech-
                                                                niques over those of force and strength.
            The Kichiku-sama has long since been described      KONACHI
         as a man.  His tormented mind and possessed body is
         constantly under attack by the suggestions of the         Knoachi is the most mysterious of the Kurai Hito-
         yokai he willingly allowed to inhabit his body.  He    kage Head Elders because she stays in solitude from
         has no other interest other than the complete oblitera-  the masses.  Angry that the process for evolution has
         tion of life on the planet.  He is homeless, unless    distorted her once pretty face is something Konachi
         chained in his chamber in the Cave of the Dead, pen-   begrudgingly holds against her clan, and is the reason
         niless by choice, and has no interest in interaction   for her choice of independence.   However, Konachi
         with anything living or dead, unless they can help     is known to assemble teams on rare occasions,
         him escape his chains.                                 Konachi does not care of the well beings of her un-
            As a character, the Kichiku-sama is the most vi-    derlings.
         cious and brutal being in all of Japan.  He is the epit-     Konachi uses her wealth of knowledge of the
         ome of evil, and wants to kill anything he encounters   shadows and combines it with her “Devil’s Voice”
         that does not move out of  his way.  He is unable to   technique to gain an advantage over her targets.
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