P. 65

PART 12   “One Final Plea”                                       KURAI HITOKAGE MEMBER
                                                                  You there!  Stop!  We cannot allow you to go any
         Location: Kurai District                                farther.  We are sworn protectors of the Yokai Yo-
            After defeating the Monk, the Monk uses his final     hishi No Seigyo.  Return it to us, or pay with your
         breath to talk to the PC(s) and pass on one last bit of
         information.                                           PART 14   “Disposing of the Treasure”

                               MONK                             Location: Kurai District
         ...but...why?  Do you know what you are doing?  Do        The PC(s) enter the Cave of the Dead and walk to
           you not know who he is?  The… Kichiku-sama…          the Kichiku-sama’s chamber.
         will destroy us all if he is released.  Even you… who
          help him.  He is the most dangerous being… in the                      KICHIKU-SAMA
          whole world, and you… shouldn’t… trust… him…
         You still have time.  Return the Yohishi No Seigyo to   You have done well.  Now, destroy the scroll, and set
         the shrine… and all will be forgiven… As long as he             me free.  I will grant all you desire.
           is contained… you will be safe… If you do not…
             your actions… they will doom… everyone…               Now that the Kichiku-sama has been set free he is
         GM NOTE: The PC(s) are left with multiple options,     able to grant that which was agreed upon.
         and choices:                                           GM NOTE: If the reward is something the Kichiku-

            Option 1: Return the Yokai Yohishi No Seigyo to     sama does not have in his possession (For example
            the Dampusan Kofun leaving the Kichiku-sama to      an Enchanted or Ultimate Weapon),  the Kichiku-
            remain in chains.  GM NOTE: This decision           sama will make good on his promise within a desig-
            consequently puts the main PC on the Kichiku-       nated amount of time.
            sama’s list of people to kill.                      GM NOTE: Rewards:

            Option 2: Destroy the scroll as they were sent out      -Experience Points= TBD
            to do for the Kichiku-sama while the PC(s) are in      -Points of Renown= TBD
            the burial mound.  However, Option number two          -Ki Energy= TBD
            has the decision as to where the destruction will      -Hansatsu= 490
            take place.
                                                                   -Enchanted Weapon: Kanten No Tekko
                Choice 1: Destroy the Yokai Yohishi No Sei-      Weight   AtP     Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel   CoA
                gyo in the Dampusan Kofun.  GM NOTE:
                Doing this and returning to the Kichiku-sama       .1      5       0      50      2       2      2
                chamber will lead the group finding the
                chamber emptyas well as anything promised          POWER: +1D8 to STR for shock attack damage
                by the Kichiku-sama.                                after successful Power Attack
                                                                   -Enchanted Weapon: Zanninsei No Shuriken
                Choice 2: Destroy the Yokai Yohishi No Sei-
                gyo when they return to Kichiku-sama’s           Weight   AtP     Rng     LiE    Mas     Vel   CoA
                chamber.  GM NOTE: Doing this will lead to         .3      10     TR      10      1       1      1
                the Kichiku-sama fulfilling his promise to the
                PC(s).  Continue to Part 13.                       POWER: +3 to Critical Strike rolls.

         PART 13   “To the Winners”                                -Enchanted Weapon: Tonjyaku No Tanto
                                                                 Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
         Location: Kurai District
            With the Yoksi Yohishi No Seigyo in hand, the          .4      10      0      15      1       2     1
         PC(s) are returning to the Kichiku-sama’s chamber.
         On their way they are confronted by members of the        POWER: +2 AWA, +1 to Control Roll
         Kurai Hitokage.
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