P. 60

rected by the Kichiku-sama.  The PC may talk to any    PART 9     “Nothing is Ever Easy”
         other PC (if applicable) and invite them to go along
         with them on the quest.  PC(s) may purchase any oth-   Location: Fukui Prefecture, Obama
         er items to assist is venture at local shops in the area.        The PC(s) have traveled to the prefecture of Gifu

         GM NOTE: Upon release, the Kichiku-sama will not       and head to the city of Obama where they will find
         pursue the PC(s) who assist in this quest should he    the Oyoguhito No Ie, the House of Swimmers.  Each
         find out they assisted.  Consequently, if they do not   of the members of this organization are equipped
         assist, they will not be punished in the same manner   with the Agamaki of Swimming.  These Agamaki are
         as the original questing PC.                           not only enchanted with a swimming power, but also
                                                                grant the wearer entrance into the compound.
         PART 8    “First Leg”
                                                                GM NOTE: The Agamaki of Swimming is NOT for
         Location: Ishikawa Prefecture, Nomi                    sale, nor will the NPC of the house lend the Agamaki

            After some time travelling, the group arrives at    to strangers.  It is in the best interest for the PC(s) to
         the prefecture of Ishikawa in the city of Nomi.  It is   steal the item.  The group only needs one (1) Aga-
         said that Jun resides in the city.  To find Jun, the PC  maki to complete this quest, but may gather all of the
         (s) may use their wiles to discover her whereabouts.     available Agamaki from each Oyoguhito No Ie mem-
                                                                ber if they wish.
         Once the PC(s) find Jun, they need to ask her about
         the  Yokai Yohishi No Seigyo.

         GM NOTE: Jun is not willing to share this infor-
         mation.  The fact that the PC(s) are asking her about
         the scroll is an alarm that the Kichiku-sama is at
         work.  She will become defensive, and her first in-
         stinct will be to fight the group.  During the confron-
         tation, should Jun’s HEA drop below 65, she will
         look for a means of escape.  Once the questers catch
         her, she will reluctantly give the information about
         the Monk at Dampusan Kofun.

            Wait!  I don’t know what he promised you, but
         you’re making a grave mistake and sealing the fate of
            the entire nation!  No matter, you are not strong
         enough to defeat the Monk at Dampusan Kofun.  He
         wields a deadly weapon, the Nido-Atemi No Bo, the
           weapon that strikes twice with one hit.  Your best
          action is to somehow acquire the Shyubi No Dou.
         Ha!  But that is buried deep beneath the waters of the
          Ena Gorge in Gifu.  Only the members of the Oyo-
          guhito No Ie, who possess the Agamaki of Swim-
           ming would know how to get it, and they will not
           give there secrets to anyone.  So, if you were sent
          here to kill me, do it now.  If not, I will do it myself.
                Lest he will find me and do it for you.

         GM NOTE: If the original PC kills Jun, they will
         feel a strong blow that deals 1D20x2 damage.  If the
         Original PC allows any of the other PC(s) to kill her,
         he will feel 20 points of damage to their HEA attrib-

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