P. 58

Elder Quests                                           room.  Rolling a 4 requires a PhB Test.  The charac-

                                                                ter's attribute needs to be higher than a 7 to take four
         “Unchained”                                            women.  If the character does not meet this require-
                                                                ment, the difference between the amount rolled and
         Requirements: Advanced Level
                                                                the character's attribute is the actual number of Gei-
         NPC Characters of Contact                              sha that leave with the PC.
                                                                ***Meeting this requirement doubles the Points of
            -Daimyo’s Monk                                      Renown earned.
                                                                PART 2     “To the Champagne Room”
            -Oyoguhito No Ie members
            -Sworn Protectors (Kurai Hotokage)                  Location: Kurai District
         Properties                                                Upon entering the room with the Geisha, the se-
            -Geisha House                                       lection process begins.  Have the PC roll 1D6 die as
            -Cave of the Dead: Kichiku-sama Chamber             they answer the questions.  The PC may answer the
                                                                following questions in any manner:
            -Oyoguhito No Ie House
            -Dampusan Kofun                                     Q1: “How interested are you in the girls?”
            -Ena Gorge                                          Q2: “Do you plan on spending a good deal of mon-
                                                                Q3: “Would you like us to pour you a drink before
            -Kurai District;                                         we get started?”

            -Ishikawa Prefecture, Nomi; 71°                     GM NOTE: Total each player’s roll.  The greatest
            -Fukui Prefecture, Obama; 73°                       combined number will be visited by the Kichiku-
                                                                sama.  In the event of a tie GM may use a coin toss.
            -Gifu Prefecture, Ena; 75°
         Summary                                                PART 3      “It was all A Dream”
            After being chained in the dungeon of the Kurai     Location: Kurai District
         Hitokage’s Cave of the Dead for what seems to be an
         eternity, the Kichiku-sama senses and energy that         The flirtatious Geisha saunters out of the front
         feels like his own.  Using his Jorogumo, the Kichiku-  room seductively, giggling and using her eyes to talk
         sama attempts to lure and manipulate unsuspecting      to the PC and convince them into following her down
         young ninja into releasing him into the world again.   the hallway and into he back room.  In the room,
                                                                women  will instruct the PC to take a seat. Shortly
         PART 1     “After the Party”                           after, she will begin performing her dance making
                                                                her way toward the door. The more she dances the
         Location: Kurai Province
                                                                more she fades away until she has disappeared as
            The PC(s) find themselves in a Geisha house         though she walked out of the room.  Soft  whispers of
         within the Kurai Hitokage DIstrict.  The drinks are    the PC’s name are heard coming from the hallway.
         flowing, music is playing and the women are beauti-
         ful and willing.  Slowly, but surely all NPC and PC    GM NOTE: If the PC does not pursue the Geisha,
                                                                roll a PhB Test to see if the PC can withstand being
         characters are coupled with a woman (or more) and      summoned.  Characters with the Quirk: Curiosity
         retire through the beaded entrance that leads down a   must investigate.
                                                                The Geisha should make several appearances
         GM NOTE: Number the PC(s) to determine the or-
         der with which this will occur using a die that in-    throughout the house leading the PC to the main en-
         cludes all PC(s).  Roll to select a PC, then roll 1D4   trance where she is able to be approached.
         to determine how many women will go with them to a
   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63