P. 59

GEISHA                            PART 6     “Kansas, This is Not”
          You follow me as if you want something.  Tell me,
                   do you want something from me?               Location: Cave of the Dead, Kichiku-sama Chamber

            The woman will walk slowly and seductively to-         The chosen PC regains consciousness in a dark,
         ward the PC.                                           dank cavern lit by a single burning torch.  The
                                                                Kichiku-sama’s arms and legs are spread apart and
                                                                individually bonded by chains and cuffs that glow
          My touch has been forbade in this house because it    with a gloden hue to large stalactites and stalagmites
           has been known to show men things beyond this
         world.  I have chosen you, sir, because I feel that you   in the middle of the cavern.  His body  looks drained
          are worthy of my touch.  Do you feel that I am cor-   and weak, but in his eyes a powerful and evil pres-
                                rect?                           ence lives.  In a chilling, demonic voice the Kichiku-

         GM NOTE: This answer is a critical point in the        sama speaks to the PC.
         quest where the only acceptable answer is “Yes”.                        KICHIKU-SAMA
         Answering “No.” will infuriate the Kichiku-sama,
         and he will reveal the spider form of the Jorogumo       If you leave here without listening, I will kill you.
         and attack the PC.                                      Release me from my bondage so that I may take my
                                                                 rightful place as head of the Kurai Hitokage, and lead
         After the conflict with the spider form, the Kichiku-
         sama will appear to the PC who ranked second in the    our clan to world domination.  I’ve summoned you here
         form of the Geisha, and begin the attempts to lure     to complete a task. The task will not be easy, but the
         them.                                                    reward will be great.  The one thing that can break
                                                                 these chains is the Yokai Yohishi No Seigyo, The
         PART 4     “Away We Go”
                                                                 ancient scroll of bondage.  Find it, and destroy it so
         Location: Kurai District                               that, together, we can set my plan in motion.  Do this

            The Geisha touches the PC, and with a loud           for me, and I will provide you with whatever you de-
         shrill, the Geisha and PC vanish.                      sire.  Is it money that you seek? Power? Fame?  De-
         GM NOTE: Award 25 Points of Renown: Fame to            stroy this scroll for me, and all of your wishes will fall
         the PC.                                                 to you.  There is a Kurai Hitokage member that fled

         PART 5     “A.W.O.L.”                                  to Ishikawa who knows all information pertaining to this
                                                                  scroll.  Find her, but do not kill her.  Leave that
         Location: Kurai District
                                                                pleasure for my release.  So (PC Character’s Name)
            The other PC(s) awaken the next morning and                      Do you accept this mission?
         gather to return to the Kurai Hitokage Fortress, how-
         ever, one member is missing.                           GM NOTE: In the event that the PC refuses to assist
                                                                the Kichiku-sama, he will become enraged, and vow
         GM NOTE: Allow the PC(s) an opportunity to try to      to kill the PC should he ever be released.
         discover what happened to their partner and/or even
         begin their own quest to search for them.  Geisha in                    KICHIKU-SAMA
         the house will have some suggestions as to where the     Good.  Then travel to the city of Nomi in Ishikawa.
         missing PC might be in the form of stories about a     There you will find the Kurai Hitokage ninja known as,
         mysterious Geisha who appears and kills clients.                               Jun.
         They will tell PC(s) to find her feasting on their bod-
         ies a an old burnt out mill at the edge of town.       PART 7      “Any Other Takers”

                                                                Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress

                                                                   The PC should return to Kurai Hitokage Fortress
                                                                to gather materials needed to undergo the quest di-
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