P. 56
PART 4 m “At the Playground” Clan. The groups separate and in the distance shrieks
and shrills can be heard echoing through the town in
Location: Nara Prefecture, Tenri
a short amount of time.
It has been a journey through the cold to the edge GM NOTE: PC(s) must roll 1D6 Odds & Evens to
of Ono’s home city of Tenri. The town is sleeping as
the group observes from high atop a hill. Several determine if a selected building is occupied or not.
homes can be seen extinguishing their night’s lan- Because this event takes place at night, roll 1D8 to
terns from this distance. Ono will stop the group to determine how many citizens are in the building. If
give some final instructions. the PC(s) are visiting a home, roll 1D4 to determine
how many occupants are inside. Homes, consists of
ONO a maximum two adults and two children.
Remember, we are not here to bring harm to this cites To successfully scare victims, roll a 1D6 Aware-
citizens. We are here to strike fear in their hearts and
minds. Be stealthy, but do not allow them to see you. ness Test (applying any Awareness Point and equip-
If you are seen, abort your tactics and chose another ment modifiers). Successful Awareness Tests equal
target. successful raids. Scaring victims multiple times mer-
GM NOTE: The city statistics are as follows: its varied results.
CITY: Nara, Tenri Successful Scare Results Chart
Population: 3,750 Target is on edge and jumpy. Target
1 Scare
Economy Type: Thriving receives: -1AWA
Resources: Medium Victim is shaking with fear, wide-
2 Scares eyed and asking if there is anyone pre-
Available Properties List sent. Status Effect: Frightened
• Alcohol Vendor= 19 • Inn= 15 Victim is cowering in a corner.
3 Scares
• Armorer= 13 • Jeweler= 1 Status Effect: Incapacitated
• Bakery= 6 • Luxury House= 188 Victim runs out of the house scream-
4 Scares
• Blacksmith= 15 • Mat Maker= 13 ing that the building is haunted.
• Butcher= 19 • Painter= 1 Allow PC(s) to successfully scare at more than one
structure before moving on to Part 6. If PC(s) fail,
• Chandler= 0 • Rope Maker= 2
their Awareness tests consistently, the town’s people
• City House= 375 • Saddler= 4
will become angry and will rally together to stop the
• Cobbler= 9 • Samurai= 0 intrusion using sticks and farm tools as weapons.
• Doctor= 6 • Sculptor= 1 PART 6 “A Slight Glitch”
• Farm House= 750 • Spice Merchant= 2
• Fishmonger= 38 • Tailor= 3 Location: Nara, Tenri
• Food Stand= 30 • Tavern= 8 As the night continues, Ono and the PC(s) travel
• Geisha Compound= 4 • Umbrella Maker= 3 to another house to scare more victims. Upon enter-
ing the house, the team discovers that the citizens in-
• Glass Blower= 2
side have been murdered. This infuriates Ono. After
a brief investigation, Ono discovers that the murder
Item Pricing: Average
was done by one of his other teams.
Law Enforcement: Moderate (1D8)
PART 5 “Go Forth and Terrify”
This… cannot happen. I SPECIFICALLY told you
Location: Nara Prefecture, Tenri all NOT to kill ANYONE! Since they want to play
by their own rules, WE will switch the rules of the
Swiftly, the group descends up the town of Tenri game as well. WE will hunt down the other two
with the intent of playful yet revenge filled fright on teams, discover which one is responsible, and put an
behalf of the leader of the Kurai Hitokage Ninja end to the guilty party.