P. 51
Elder Quests PART 2 “Recognition”
Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress
“From the Books of History” Konachi leads the PC(s) from the dojo to a se-
Requirements: Intermediate Level cluded area of the compound. As the group walks,
the ninja brethren they pass stops what they are doing
NPC Characters of Contact
to turn and bow in respect, or maybe fear, of the ninja
-Konachi sorceress. She stops in a secluded area of the com-
-Jo Kakatani pound.
-Son Your prowess, after joining the Kurai Hitokage, has
-Kakatani Guards (Total= 10) not gone unnoticed. In fact, yours is the most prom-
ising of all the student body the Kurai Hitokage have
-Kurai Hitokage Ninja had in a long while. Therefore, you have been select-
Properties ed to join me to fulfill a contract. Be sure that you
are well equipped with gear, and meet me at the For-
-Kurai District tress’ Main Gate at midnight. I will fill you in on the
-Kakatani Compound details upon your acceptance.
Environment PART 3 “Joining the Party”
-Kurai District; 91° Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress Main Gate
-Shizuoka Prefecture, Yamanashi; 91° At midnight, Konachi waits at the gate for the PC
Summary (s). Other Kurai Hitokage members are waiting with
Konachi has been ordered to lead on a contract her.
that has come to the group. She seeks the assistance GM NOTE: This should be a six (6) man team.
of fellow members of the Kurai Hitokage. A civilian Konachi, the PC(s) and other Kurai Hitokage mem-
in a nearby province is late on paying the Daimyo, bers, if needed, to fulfill this number.
and has been reported to be insolent toward the area KONACHI
ruler. He and his family must be dealt with to show
the rest of the community what happens when you We are going to the Kakatani house in Shizuoka Pre-
fecture, Yamanashi. There, a man named Jo Ka-
insult one of the emperor’s men. katani has been marked by the Daimyo. His inso-
lence is intolerable. He has not paid his taxes to the
PART 1 “To the Principal” Emperor, and scoffs in the face of authority. The
Daimyo has hired the Kurai Hitokage to punish his
Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress entire family, to make an example out of those who
The PC(s) are in a training session with several dare toy with justice. Are you ready?
other members of their blet rank. All around the dojo PART 4 “Let’s Get This Over With”
various members are practicing projectile techniques,
combat techniques, strength and conditioning exer- Location Kakatani Compound
cises in the various areas of the dojo. The dojo has a The group has made their way to the Kakatani
particular smell that comes with the exertion of ener- compound wall, and after a brief observation,
gy from a group of people. Konachi leads the team over the perimeter.
GM NOTE: Rewards
The door to the dojo is open allowing a rush of -Experience Points= TBD
air to pause all activities. Konachi, the deadly elder
ninja of the Kurai Hitokage, interrupts the training. -Points of Renown= TBD
-Ki Energy= TBD
-Hansatsu= 340
Stop! I need (Name the PCs) to come with me im-
mediately. -Secret Technique: Devil’s Voice (page 52)