P. 48

NAME: Onihitokuchi


          Demons, devils, ogres or trolls.  They are hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with sharp claws,
          wild hair, and two long horns growing from their heads.  They are humanoid for the most part,
          but occasionally, they are shown with unnatural features such as odd numbers of eyes or extra
          fingers and toes.  Their skin may be any number of colors, but red and blue are particularly com-
              Onibaba "demon hag"- is an Oni that has the appearance of an old woman but is a yokai
              that feasts on humans.
              Onibi- are the spirits born from the corpses of humans and animals, and are also said to be
              the resent of people that have become fire and appeared.
              Onihitokuchi- are Oni that have one eye and eat and kill humans.

           ATTRIBUTES                       Bonus /Hindrance
                                                                             ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
              HEALTH POINTS: 102             +_____/-_____
                                                                HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
              CARRY POINTS: 4                +_____/-_____

              PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 1      +_____/-_____       1    1     1     3     2     4     5    3     2
              MOVEMENT POINTS: 2             +_____/-_____

              AWARENESS POINTS: 4            +_____/-_____
              DEFENSIVE POINTS: 2            +_____/-_____

              STRENGTH POINTS: 6             +_____/-_____
              STAMINA POINTS: 1              +_____/-_____    BEHAVIOR
                                                               Vs. Human
               STEALTH POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____
                                                               The Oni resent the existence of humans and will at-
          Ki ENERGY: 500            Bonus:+N/A                 tack them in the most awful ways.
                                                               Vs. Same  Yokai
           Throwing Range: 10        Bonus:+ N/A
                                                               Sharing the same desires toward ending the human
          Techniques                7– Striking Tech: Mountain   race, Oni will work together and form legions in or-
                                      Punch                    der to exterminate their enemy.
          1– Mystic Art
                                    8– Special Tech: Jump      Vs. Different Yokai
          2– Standing Grap Tech: Front
                                    9– Special Tech: Spin      The reaction another yokai receives from the Oni de-
          3– Striking Tech: Vert. Strike
                                    10– Front. Throw Tech:     pends on the type.  Weaker yokai will almost always
          4– Standing Grap Tech:      Cross Hook               be destroyed.  Where strong yokai can lead the Oni
             Break Grip
                                    11– Mystic Art             using them as foot soldiers.
          5– Kicking Tech: Frnt. Thrust
                                    12– Front Throw Tech: Hip    Gain vs.
          6– Striking Tech: Palm Heel
                                                               Weakness vs.
          MYISTC ARTS

          “Bum’s Rush”- The Oni charges toward a target in an effort   N/A
          to trample them.
          Effects: STRx2; Status Effect= Prone

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