P. 50

NAME: Waira


          A large beast that lurks in the mountains, about
          which little is known.

          ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance
                                                                             ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
             HEALTH POINTS: 120             +_____/-_____
             CARRY POINTS: 4                +_____/-_____     HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

             PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 2      +_____/-_____       2     1     1     3      4     2     5    3     1
             MOVEMENT POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____
             AWARENESS POINTS: 4            +_____/-_____

             DEFENSIVE POINTS: 3            +_____/-_____

             STRENGTH POINTS: 6             +_____/-_____
             STAMINA POINTS: 3              +_____/-_____     BEHAVIOR
                                                               Vs. Human
              STEALTH POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____
                                                               The Waira is a large unsightly beast, with an aggres-

          Ki ENERGY: 500            Bonus:+N/A                 sive behavior.  However, this beast is actually an in-
                                                               telligent yokai.  It uses reasoning and logic.  This
          Throwing Range: 8         Bonus:+ N/A                beast will only respond to a human as the human in
                                                               the same manner another will.
          Techniques                                           Vs. Same  Yokai

          1– Standing Grapple Tech: Front                      Waira form communities and try to hide in the moun-
          2– Front Throw Takedown Tech: Cross Hook             tains.  Because they try to remain secluded, the
          3– Mystic Art                                        Waira will defend their community.

          4– Kicking Tech: Stomping Kick                       Vs. Different Yokai
          5– Striking Tech: Tiger Claw                         The Waira will treat another type of yokai in the
                                                               same manner it will treat a human.  The yokai’s be-
          6– Mount Ground Position: Top
                                                               havior will dictate that of the Waira.
                                                               Gain vs.
          MYISTC ARTS                                          N/A
          “Pin”- The Waira grabs a target and throws and pins them to   Weakness vs.
          the ground.
          Effects: STR+6; Depending on the behavior, the target will
          either be negotiated with or struck.  Strike does STRx4
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