P. 46

NAME: Kubikajiri


          A creature in Japanese folklore which is said to eat
          the heads of its victims, living or dead. The creature
          is said to be headless itself and smell distinctly of
          fresh blood.

          ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance

             HEALTH POINTS: 103             +_____/-_____                   ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
             CARRY POINTS: 2                +_____/-_____     HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

             PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 1      +_____/-_____       2     1    1      3     5      2     3    4     1

             MOVEMENT POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____
             AWARENESS POINTS: 2            +_____/-_____

             DEFENSIVE POINTS: 2            +_____/-_____
             STRENGTH POINTS: 2             +_____/-_____

             STAMINA POINTS: 2              +_____/-_____     BEHAVIOR
              STEALTH POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____     Vs. Human
                                                               Found primarily in or near graveyards, the Kubikajiri
          Ki ENERGY: 800           Bonus:+N/A                  will chase a human relentlessly if it detects them, in
                                                               an effort to eat their head.
          Throwing Range: 4        Bonus:+ N/A
                                                               Vs. Same  Yokai
                                                               The Kubikajiri will wander together in a large horde.
                                                               This entire horde will chase even one human to de-
          1– Standing Grapple Tech: Front
                                                               vour their head.
          2– Mystic Art
                                                               Vs. Different Yokai
          3– Striking Tech: Jab
                                                               Other yokai are of no concern to this yokai.  Howev-
          4– Striking Tech: Reverse Punch                      er, should a yokai attack, the Kubikajiri will escape

          5– Striking Tech: Tiger Claw                         into darkness.
          6– Special Tech: Jump                                Gain vs.


          MYISTC ARTS                                          Weakness vs.
          “Atama O Kamu”- With on swift chomp, the Kubikarjiri   Earth Attacks or attacks with wooden weapons do x2
          takes a large bite of a targets head.                STR
          Effects: STRx5; Status Effect= Bleeding; Status Effect=
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