P. 42

NAME: Basan


          A fowl-like bird that lives in the mountains of Ehime Pre-
          fecture. It resembles a large chicken and breathes ghost-
          fire from its mouth. It is described as having a bright red
          cockscomb and spits an equally brilliant-hued fire. The
          fire is a cold fire, a glow, and it does not burn.  It usually
          lives in the bamboo groves of mountain recesses, but
          sometimes materializes in human villages late at night.
          When the Basan flaps its wings, an eerie rustling
          ("basabasa") sound can be heard.

          ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance
                                                                              ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
             HEALTH POINTS: 115             +_____/-_____

             CARRY POINTS: 7                +_____/-_____      HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
             PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 4      +_____/-_____       1     2     1     5      4     3    2     3     1

             MOVEMENT POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____
             AWARENESS POINTS: 1            +_____/-_____

             DEFENSIVE POINTS: 1            +_____/-_____
             STRENGTH POINTS: 3             +_____/-_____

             STAMINA POINTS: 1              +_____/-_____     BEHAVIOR
              STEALTH POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____     Vs. Human
                                                               The Basan terrorizes humans, especially those who
          Ki ENERGY: 100           Bonus:+N/A                  are alone.  In a populated area the Basan will attack
                                                               people who are on the street alone.
          Throwing Range: 4        Bonus:+ N/A
                                                               Vs. Same  Yokai
                                                               Basan can often form flocks, however the flocks will
                                                               grow no larger than 15.  Once a flock has 15 mem-
          1– Striking Tech: Wing Beat
                                                               bers, no other Basan are allowed to join and they will
          2– Mystic Art                                        attack that extra Basan to get them away from the
          3– Striking Tech: Wing Beat                          flock.

          4– Kicking Technique: Thrust Kick                    Vs. Different Yokai
                                                               Different yokai are ignored by Basan, unless they are
                                                               attacked.  Should another typoe of yokai attack the
                                                               Basan they will take flight and retreat.
                                                               Gain vs.
          MYISTC ARTS
                                                               Ice based attacks are absorbed as x2 HEA
          “Fireball”- From the sky, the Basan spits a freezing blast at a   Weakness vs.
                                                               Fire Based attack x2 STR
          Effects: STRx2; Status Effect Odds & Even roll for Frostbite
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