P. 39

NAME: Akurojin-no-hi “Fire of the God of the Road”


          A ghostly flame from the folklore of Mie prefecture.
          It often appears on rainy nights. People who encoun-
          ter it, and do not run away, become gravely ill.

          *GM NOTE: After encounter, number the Illness
          chart found in the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Player
          Manual (page 130-131) from 1-12.  Player should
          roll 1D12 to see which illness the character will con-

          ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance
                                                                             ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
             HEALTH POINTS: 111              +_____/-_____
                                                               HEA   CAR   PhB   MOV    AWA    DEF   STR   STA   STE
             CARRY POINTS: 5                 +_____/-_____
                                                                 3     2    1      5     4      1    3     2     1
             PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 2       +_____/-_____
             MOVEMENT POINTS: 4              +_____/-_____

             AWARENESS POINTS: 3             +_____/-_____
             DEFENSIVE POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____

             STRENGTH POINTS: 5              +_____/-_____
             STAMINA POINTS: 1               +_____/-_____    BEHAVIOR

              STEALTH POINTS: 3              +_____/-_____    Vs. Human
                                                               The Akurojin-no-hi really does its best to avoid hu-
          Ki ENERGY: 1500           Bonus:+N/A                 man contact, however, discovery by a human infuri-
                                                               ates this fire monster, and it will attack those who
           Throwing Range: 8        Bonus:+ N/A                detect it.

                                                               Vs. Same  Yokai
                                                               The Akurojin-no-hi do not care for each other, how-
          GM NOTE: Apply burn damage to all techniques.
                                                               ever, they also do not interact with others.  Seeming-
          1– Striking Tech: Straight Punch                     ly “minding their own business”, should these yokai

          2– Standing Grapple Tech: Back                       bump into each other a larger flame will be created
                                                               multiplying its attributes.
          3– Kicking Tech: Axe
                                                               Vs. Different Yokai
          4– Mystic Art
          5– Sacrifice Throw Takedown Tech: Rear               The Akurojin-no-hi is also indifferent to other types
                                                               of yokai.  Only water based yokai are avoided.
          6– Striking Tech: Jab Punch
                                                               Gain vs.

          MYISTC ARTS                                          Absorb fire based attack STR as HEA

          “Candle Wick”- The The Akurojin-no-hi will engulf a target,   Weakness vs.
          burning it severely.
                                                               Water based attacks STRx2
          Effects: Apply burn rules and damage
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