P. 40

NAME: Amanojaku/Amanjaku “Heavenly evil spirit”


          A demon-like creature usually depicted as a kind of
          small oni, and is thought to be able to provoke a per-
          son's darkest desires and thus instigate him into per-
          petrating wicked deeds.  One of the Amanojaku's
          best known appearances is a girl miraculously born
          from a melon.

          ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance

             HEALTH POINTS: 104             +_____/-_____                   ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
             CARRY POINTS: 2                +_____/-_____     HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

             PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 4      +_____/-_____       2     2    3      5     3      1     4    1     1

             MOVEMENT POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____
             AWARENESS POINTS: 3            +_____/-_____

             DEFENSIVE POINTS: 2            +_____/-_____
             STRENGTH POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____

             STAMINA POINTS: 2              +_____/-_____    BEHAVIOR
              STEALTH POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____    Vs. Human

                                                              Amanojaku despise humans, and will attack them on
          Ki ENERGY: 100           Bonus:+N/A
                                                              site no matter how many are present.  However, the
                                                              Amanojaku are not overly aggressive.  When they
          Throwing Range: 7         Bonus:+ N/A
                                                              are faced with more humans than they can handle the
          Techniques                                          Amanojaku will use both cunning and stealth to at-
                                                              tack victims.
          1– Striking Tech: Spear Hand   7– Sweep Tech: Double Leg
          2– Stand Grapple Tech: Front   8– Non-Proj Tech: Thrust   Vs. Same  Yokai
          3– Striking Tech: Tiger Claw                        The Amanojaku’s second enemy is another
                                    WEAPON: Tanto             Amanojaku.  Within the lore of the Amanojaku is a
          4– Spec. Tech: Quick Step
                                    Weight  AtP  Rng  LiE  Mas  Vel  CoA   hierarchy is maneuvering to be the top of.
          5– Def. Non-Proj Tech:
                                      .4   7   0   50   1   2   1   Vs. Different Yokai
               Dishonorable Things IV
          6– Mystic Art             EFFECT: O&E= 1D4 Bleeding   Other yokai are seen as nuisances to the Amanojaku,
                                                              and they make attempts to either rid themselves of
          MYISTC ARTS                                         other types of yokai or manipulate them.

          “The Deep Dark”- The Amanojaku uses its power of influ-  Gain vs.
          ence and suggests that the person attack one of their team   N/A
                                                              Weakness vs.
          Effects: 1D4 Odds & Evens roll to determine if the PC will
          attack a team member for 1D6 melee rounds.          N/A
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