P. 35

GM NOTE: If the PC does not know which yokai to        PART 8     “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 5”
         invoke, the Mysterious Man will invoke them all us-
         ing a swing of his staff.  Number the yokai 1-4.           The PC proceeds along another dark, cold and
                                                                musky tunnel.  After the PC comes out of the tunnel,
                        MYSTERIOUS MAN                          they arrive inside a large open space, where they are
             Now, choose wisely, and continue your walk.        met by swirls of powerful spirit energy.  At the far
         GM NOTE: After a yokai is selected and tamed: 1.       wall are twelve tunnel entrances with a number
         Roll a 1D4 die to determine how many of the other      above each as they were in the first room.
         yokai will be offend by not being selected.  2. Roll   GM NOTE: Using the original numbering for the
         1D4 Odds & Evens roll for each beginner level yokai    yokai, roll 1D12 to see how many other yokai will
         to determine if they will attack the PC.  3. Roll 1D4   confront the PC.  Roll 1D6 Odds & Evens for each
         Odds & Evens to determine if the selected yokai will   confrontational yokai to determine if the yokai will
         assist in defending against the oncoming attacks.      attack the PC or simply enquire about allowing it to
         PART 6     “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 3”                 take the place of the chosen yokai.  Refusing the
                                                                yokai’s advances results in an Odds & Evens roll to
             The PC has selected a yokai and is walking down    determine if the yokai will attack out of frustration.
         the next dark, cold and musky tunnel. Again, a light   Use the Intermediate level attribute modifiers as
         shines from the opposite end.  The yokai has yet to    needed.
         manifest itself, yet its energy can be felt moving all
         over the PC’s body.  After the PCs come out of the     PART 9 “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 6”
         tunnel they arrive at a large, open area much like the      Proceed down the next dark, cold and musky tun-
         area where they found the Mysterious Man.  Swirls      nel. Again, a light shines from the opposite end.  Af-
         of spirit energy greet them as the enter.  At the far   ter the PCs come out of the tunnel they arrive at a
         wall are twelve tunnel entrances with a number above   large, open area, much like the area where they found
         each as they were in the first room.                   the Mysterious Man.  Swirls of spirit energy greet

         GM NOTE: Using the original numbering for the          them as the enter.  At the far wall are twelve tunnel
         yokai, roll 1D12 to see how many other yokai will      entrances with a number above each as they were in
         confront the PC.  Roll 1D6 Odds & Evens for each       the first room.
         confrontational yokai to determine if the yokai will   GM NOTE: At this point, the yokai will appear in
         attack the PC or simply enquire about allowing it to   physical form to interact with the PC.  The yokai will
         take the place of the chosen yokai.  Refusing the      invite the PC to pass through the door that belongs
         yokai’s advances results in an Odds & Evens roll to    to them.  .
         determine if the yokai will attack out of frustration.
         Use the Intermediate level attribute modifiers as      PART 10 “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 7”
         needed.                                                    The PC walk out of the cave to a large open area

         PART 7    “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 4”                  atop a mountain.  In front of them is a large tree
                                                                trunk.  On top this tree trunk is the Kurai Hitokage
             After the confrontation, the PC’s yokai suggests   Shinobi Shuzoku, folded, as an offering to the stu-
         that they continue through the yokai’s designated      dent who has completed the Akuma No Hitokage.
         door for safer travels.
                                                                GM NOTE: Should the PC collect the Shinobi Shu-
         GM NOTE: This is a test by the yokai of which the      zoku, the yokai invoked by the PC will appear and
         PC has one chance to respond to correctly.  Disa-      attack.  In order to claim the yokai as a Mystic Art,
         greeing with the yokai will cause the PC to need to    the PC must defeat the yokai.  To fulfill this final
         roll 1D4 Odds & Evens test, to see if the yokai may    stage of the quest, the yokai must be knocked out ac-
         be conjured to invoke the Mystic Art should comple-    cording to the Ninja vs. Samurai RPG Player’s Man-
         tion of the trail be achieved.                         ual rules.

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