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3-Ashi-Magari: A ghostly phenomenon from the 7-Jorogumo: A spider that can change its appear-
folklore of Kagawa Prefecture on Shikoku, Japan. It ance into that of a seductive woman who entices a
is a soft thing, like a kitten or a wad of cotton, which man into a quiet shack and begin to play a Biwa, a
is felt wrapping itself around a person's leg at night, type of Japanese lute. While the victim would be dis-
impeding the ability to walk. While it is not general- tracted by the sound of the instrument, she binds her
ly visible, it is often believed to be the trick of a victim in spider silk threads in order to devour the
tanuki. unsuspecting person as her next meal.
Mystic Art: “Bound and Gagged”- The Ashi-magari Mystic Art: “Siren”- The Jorogumo lures targets to
winds itself around the legs of a target and stretches their death through transformation.
to cover the face and mouth to suffocate a target. 8-Kubikajiri: A creature in Japanese folklore which
4-Basan: A fowl-like bird that lives in the mountains is said to eat the heads of its victims, living or dead.
of Ehime Prefecture. It resembles a large chicken and The creature is said to be headless itself and smell
breathes ghost-fire from its mouth. It is described as distinctly of fresh blood.
having a bright red cockscomb and spits an equally Mystic Art: “Atama O Kamu”- With on swift chomp,
brilliant-hued fire. The fire is a cold fire, a glow, and the Kubikarjiri takes a large bite of a targets head.
it does not burn. It usually lives in the bamboo
groves of mountain recesses, but sometimes materi- 9-Nihon No Ryu: Are water deities associated with
alizes in human villages late at night. When the Ba- rainfall and bodies of water, and are typically depict-
san flaps its wings, an eerie rustling ("basabasa") ed as large, wingless, serpentine creatures with
sound can be heard. clawed feet.
Mystic Art: “Fireball”- From the sky, the Basan spits Mystic Art: “Razor Burn”- The dragon uses its coarse
a freezing blast at a target. scales to wrap around a target. In one swift motion,
it unwinds causing the scales to shred its victim’s
5-Gashadokuro: Giant skeletons that are fifteen skin.
times taller than an average person. Gashadokuro are
created from gathering bones from people who have 10-Onihitokuchi: are Oni that have one eye and eat
died of starvation. The only way a Gashadokuro can and kill humans. Demons, devils, ogres or trolls.
be detected before it appears is by hearing a ringing They are hideous, gigantic ogre-like creatures with
in one's ears. sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns growing
from their heads. They are humanoid for the most
Mystic Art: “Decapitator”- A two melee attack where part, but occasionally, they are shown with unnatural
target is grabbed then the head is bitten off by rolling features such as odd numbers of eyes or extra fingers
a 15 or higher on a 1D20. and toes. Their skin may be any number of colors,
6-Harionago: (FEMALE CHARACTERS ONLY) but red and blue are particularly common.
A beautiful woman with extremely long hair tipped Mystic Art: “Bum’s Rush”- The Oni charges toward
with thorn-like barbs that is under her direct control, a target in an effort to trample them.
and she uses it to ensnare men. She is said to wander
the roads of the Japanese prefecture of Ehime on the 11-Shinigami: Spirits that invite humans towards
island of Shikoku. When she finds a young man, she death, or induce feelings of wanting to die.
will laugh at him, and if the young man dares to Mystic Art: “Suicide Note”- The Shinigami talks to
laugh back, Harionago will drop her terrible, barbed the human suggesting that they should take their won
hair and attack. life.
Mystic Art: “Death’s Web”- entangle a target in a 12-Waira: A large beast that lurks in the mountains,
web to make them attempt to escape. When the tar- about which little is known.
get is weak the demon attacks
Mystic Art: “Pin”- The Waira grabs a target and
throws and pins them to the ground.