P. 33

Akuma No Hitokage
            The mysterious trial is only able to be undertaken   PART 2     “Trial By Fire”
         by the Kurai Hitokage elite.  Though potentially fatal,
         it is the goal of those who train and attempt to master      It is the night of the trial.  Several Kurai Hitokage
         this art form’s most deadly technique to risk their    members are in attendance.  The night is cool and the
         lives in order to gain great supernatural power.       air is crisp.  There is a path lit buy torches that leads
         Through the Akuma No Hitokage, characters allow        to a platform of which Ono stands atop, flanked by
         themselves to become a host body for a Yokai.  In      both Konachi and Toru.  Ono is wearing a formal,
         exchange, a transformation into the parasitic Yokai    full-length silk Kimono.  Others in attendance remain
         form occurs through the expenditure of Ki Energy       silent.  All that can be seen of them is their eyes
         Points, allowing the host to be able to unleash great   trough the masks of their Kurai Hitokage Shinobi
         power at will.                                         Shozoku, which watch the PC ascend the lit path.
                                                                   When the PC reaches the foot of the platform,
         Requirements: 9th Degree Belt Level                    Ono will raise his hands and begin speaking.
         NPC Characters of Contact                                                     ONO

            -Ono                                                The ninja (insert PC character’s name) has declared
                                                                that he/she is prepared to complete his training of the
            -Konachi                                            Kurai Hitokage ninjitsu.  Only those who have
         Properties                                             achieved a high level of excellence are permitted to
                                                                make this declaration, and undertake this trial.  As
            -Kurai Hitokage District                            members of the Kurai Hitokage, do you accept the
                                                                challenge before you, understanding that your very
            -Cave of the Dead                                   existence may be in peril?  And do you promise to

         Environment                                            carry on the teachings of the Kurai Hitokage should
                                                                you complete this trial?  If so, please answer "I do."
            -Honshu Prefecture, Shizuoka; 35°
                                                                I now present to you the newly inducted members of
         Summary                                                Kurai Hitokage Ninja Clan. Will the elder members,
            The time has come for characters to undergo the     and those gathered here today join me in welcoming
                                                                this new member!  At this time, you may find your
         Akuma No Hitokage trial to achieve the ultimate        way by following the river.  Trust your training and
         power of the ninja clan.  In a ceremonious fashion,    instincts and you will discover your hidden power.
         characters are allowed to present themselves for an
         assessment of their Kurai Hitokage knowledge and       PART 3     “Through the Sea of Trees”
         ability.  After approval, they are led to Aokigahara,
         the Suicide Forest, where the sacred trail begins.        Drums sound as the PC walk from the stage,
                                                                along the river, and into the forest.  As they follow
         PART 1    “Finally Red E!”                             the river, the sound of the drums fade and is replaced
                                                                by the whispers of mysterious voices that offer sug-
         GM NOTE: The Okumatte Shiken is a solo quest.          gestions as to which direction they should travel.
         PC(s) may not attempt this quest together.  To initiate
         the Okumatte Shiken trial the player must request      GM NOTE: This part of the quest is dependent upon
         council with the Head Elder about the preliminary.     the PC’s Awareness Attribute.  For every Awareness
         They must have all elder members agree to be pre-      Point a character has, an Awareness Test must be
         sent for the initial phase of the test.  Players should   performed.  Players roll 1D6 vs the GM for this test.
         talk to each elder member with a date in mind of       If the PC wins, the character stays on the path to-
         when they would like to take part in this quest.  All   ward the Cave of the Dead.  If the GM wins, roll 1D4
         Expert level NPCs and PCs are welcome.  When           to determine how many Kappa, attack the PC during
         speaking to the elders, roll 1D4 Odds & Evens for      the confrontation that drags the PC to the water in
         the character’s response.                              order to drown them.

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