P. 34

PART 4     “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 1”                 You have the option of changing yokai, but remem-
                                                                 ber, yokai do not take rejection well.  Now that you
             The PC enters the cave and into a large, empty     know what lies ahead, I will guide you for as long as
          chamber that is lit by burning torches.  A single       you take to select a yokai.  Upon your selection, I
                                                                  will leave your pair to become better acquainted.
          cloaked individual is sitting still on a stool holding a
          Bo staff.  Along the wall of the cave is twelve tunnel   GM NOTE:  Allow the PC(s) time to determine
          entrances with numbers above them.  As the PC         which yokai path they will initially walk. PC(s) may
          stands before the door the mysterious man will speak:   only venture through the cave one at a time.  PC(s)
                                                                Should decide who will go first via die roll.
                         MYSTERIOUS MAN
                                                                ***This Mysterious Man is NOT the Kichiku-sama.
          You’d better be certain.  The yokai do not like people
          who are not certain of their decisions.  Before you   PART 5     “Shisha No Dokutsu; Part 2”
          make a mistake, like our last brother who came in, let
          me explain: These twelve tunnels are numbered paths      The PC follows the Mysterious Man down the
          that yokai have claimed as their territory.           tunnel of their choice.  The path is dark, cold and

                                                                musky, however, a light shines from the opposite
          The first is the Akurojin-no-hi: a ghostly flame enti-  end.
          ty.  The second tunnel is the Amanozako: a female
          deity with a furious temper, beastly head, long nose,      Faint, ghastly, whispers can be heard echoing
          ears, and deadly fangs.  The third tunnel leads       throughout the tunnel as the PC walks.  At the end of
          through the Ashi-magari: A ghostly phenomenon
          that wraps itself around a person's leg.  The fourth   the path, they come to another room lit by torches.
          tunnel leads to the Basan: which is a large bright-red,   Statues of different yokai bookend the entrance to
          bird-like demon that breathes fire.  The fifth yokai,   four dark pathways.  These statues represent the
          the Gashadokuro: a giant skeletons that decapitates   yokai that reside within.
          its captured victims.  The sixth path is for the Hari-
          onago: another female yokai with long thorn tipped                   MYSTERIOUS MAN
          hair who uses the hair to entangle and shred targets.   In here are three chambers dividing the twelve yokai
          The  Jorogumo: is a spider demon that can change        into four groups.  In order to invoke the yokai of
          it’s appearance to look like a woman, and is the sev-   choice, stand in front of the statues, placing your
          enth chamber.  The eighth chamber is for the Ku-        hands dat the base, and chant its name.  The yokai
          bikajiri: A creature which is said to eat the heads of   will appear to you, eventually.  Hopefully it will be
          its victims; living or dead. Number nine is the large,       accepting of you.  Often times it is not.
          wingless, serpentine creatures with clawed feet, the      The Mysterious Man will make a hand gesture
          Nihon No Ryu.  The thenth path is the territory of
          the Onihitokuchi: hideous, gigantic ogre-like crea-   toward the statues allowing the PC to select their
          tures with sharp claws, wild hair, and two long horns   yokai.
          growing from their heads.  The eleventh is the        GM NOTE: Roll 1D6 vs the PC in order for the
          Shinigami: an entity that deals in the deliverance of
          death.  The final chamber, chamber twelve, is for the   yokai to appear.  The PC must roll higher than the
          Waira: a large beast that lurks in the mountains.     GM for this to occur.  When the yokai does appear,
                                                                perform a 1D4 Odds & Evens roll to determine if the
            Selecting a path is a way of offering yourself as a   yokai will attack the PC.  The yokai maintains all at-
            host.  However, yokai are quite often jealous and   tribute modifiers using the Intermediate level.  In the
           those you do not select may become offend by your
          gesture to the others.  In an effort to change your se-  event of an attack, the Mysterious Man will assist in
          lection, they may even attack you to convince you of   the taming of the yokai.  To subdue the yokai the
             their power.  If that occurs,  hopefully the yokai   Health Points must be depleted to 25%.  The yokai
          you’ve selected will protect you.  Hopefully.  If they   will admire the strength of the PC despite the Myste-
           do, you are on your way to supernatural power.  If
          they do not, well my friend exiting the cave will only   rious Man’s assistance.  And agree to wall with them.
          ensure your doom at the hands of the Kurai Hitokage  From this point on, the yokai will remain in spiritual
          members upon exit.  If you are uncertain of the yokai   form until it is needed in combat.
           you would like to host fear not, they will introduce
                    themselves one way or another.

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