P. 37

Understanding the Akuma No Hitokage                       When the determined amount of melee rounds
                                                                has expired for the mystic art, the character reverts
            The twelve demons of the Akuma No Hitokage          back into their human form.  At this time the player
         are the treasure of the Kurai Hitokage Ninja Clan.     will need to reroll their 1D6 to metamorphosize into
         Ever member of this group strives to one day be able   the yokai again.  Should the player want to maintain
         to undergo the Akuma No Hitokage trial, to discover    their yokai form without having to endure the trans-
         their inner demon. The following is a description of   formation process, they may declare one of their
         the yokai that dwell in the Shisha No Dokutsu (Cave    STA as a moment of regeneration.  This causes an
         of the Dead) and the attribute bonuses that are re-    instant expenditure  of Ki Energy desired level of
         ceived when a yokai is claimed.                        Akuma No Hitokage Mystic Art.  Should the charac-

         Acquiring a Yokai                                      ter not have the necessary amount of Ki Energy, they
                                                                may not maintain their yokai form.
            When a Kurai Hitokage member endures the gru-
         eling trials they are able to become a host and are    Yokai Form
         able to allow yokai to live within them as a parasite.       The character may change into two different ver-
         In order to fulfill this assignment the only goal is to   sions of the yokai parasite.  The first is the “True”
         survive through the five levels of the Shisha no       form, and is the base form of the yokai using only the
         Dokutsu to the top of the mountain.  Where they may    yokai attributes and techniques.  This form takes a
         manifest their demon at will as long as they have the   100 percent likeness to a beginner yokai, and will be
         needed amount of Ki Energy for the desired level.      interact as described in the “ Vs. Same  Yokai” in the
         Upon completion of the trial the player gains the Ku-  Behavior section of the yokai character sheet.  The
         rai Hitokage Master Uniform and then must cast a       second is called the “Merged” form and is the modi-
         1D4 roll to determine the permanent damage severity    fied form of the yokai where the physical make up is
         the trail has done to the character's PhB attribute.  A   an amalgamation of the yokai and character, as de-
         player may endure the trials as many times as they     scribed by the player.  This version can only interact
         wish to acquire various yokai, however, only one       as described in the “Vs. Different Yokai” in the Be-
         yokai may be used per Mystic Art sequence.             havior section.

         Metamorphizing Into A Yokai
            To manifest the yokai the character has elected to   The Demons of the Akuma No Hitokage
         host, the player must first make sure they have the
         appropriate amount of Ki Energy to metamorphosize       1-Akurojin-no-hi:  ghostly flame from the folklore
         into their yokai.  Not having the required amount of   of Mie prefecture. It often appears on rainy nights.
         Ki Energy will nullify the ability to manifest the     People who encounter it, and do not run away, be-
         yokai as in any other Mystic Art.   Next, during their   come gravely ill.
         turn, the player must cast a 1D6 to determine how      Mystic Art: “Candle Wick”- The The Akurojin-ho-hi
         many STA the process will take.  Not having the cast   will engulf a target, burning it severely.
         amount of STA will forfeit the Ki Energy despite
         gaining the added bonuses of manifesting ones yokai.    2-Amanojaku: A demon-like creature usually de-
         In the event that the character has both Ki Energy     picted as a kind of small oni, and is thought to be
         and STA, they may transform into their yokai.  Dur-    able to provoke a person's darkest desires and thus
         ing this transformation the character is protected by   instigate him into perpetrating wicked deeds.  One of
         Ki Energy, but is not invulnerable.  The player does   the Amanojaku's best known appearances is a girl
         not have the ability to defend themselves, however     miraculously born from a melon.
         any attacks received only impact at half damage.       Mystic Art: “The Deep Dark”- The Amanojaku uses
         Once the transformation is complete, the character     its power of influence and suggests that the person
         regains any lost HEA, and may once again, partici-     attack one of their team members.
         pate in full control of die casting.
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