P. 41

NAME: Ashi-magari “Leg Turner”


          A ghostly phenomenon from the folklore of Kagawa
          Prefecture on Shikoku, Japan. It is a soft thing, like a
          kitten or a wad of cotton, which is felt wrapping it-
          self around a person's leg at night, impeding the abil-
          ity to walk. While it is not generally visible, it is of-
          ten believed to be the trick of a tanuki.

          ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance
                                                                             ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
             HEALTH POINTS: 108             +_____/-_____
                                                               HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
             CARRY POINTS: 1                +_____/-_____
                                                                 3     1    3      4     2      2     1    1     5
             PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 3      +_____/-_____
             MOVEMENT POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____
             AWARENESS POINTS: 1            +_____/-_____

             DEFENSIVE POINTS: 4            +_____/-_____

             STRENGTH POINTS: 5             +_____/-_____
             STAMINA POINTS: 3              +_____/-_____     BEHAVIOR

              STEALTH POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____     Vs. Human
                                                               This trickster character enjoys tormenting humans.
          Ki ENERGY: 1700          Bonus:+N/A                  The Ashi-magari will only interact with a human to
                                                               be a bothersome pest.  It only tries to harm humans
          Throwing Range: 6        Bonus:+ N/A                 when the human tries, first, to harm it.

                                                               Vs. Same  Yokai
                                                               Ashi-magari enjoy each other and will team-up to
          1– Sweep Takedown Technique: Double Foot
                                                               torment humans. In this event, one Ashi-magari will
          2– Mystic Art                                        make itself visible deliberately, while the other(s)
          3- Sweep Takedown Technique: Single Leg              uses stealth to accomplish a task.

          4- Sweep Takedown Technique: Double Leg              Vs. Different Yokai
                                                               Ashi-magari are non-violent yokai, and should anoth-
                                                               er yokai be present the Ashi-magari will flea or hide
                                                               in fear of the other to avoid conflict.
          MYISTC ARTS                                          Gain vs.

          “Bound and Gagged”- The Ashi-magari winds itself around   N/A
          the legs of a target and stretches to cover the face and mouth   Weakness vs.
          to suffocate a target.
                                                               Wind attacks= STRx3
          Effects: +1 to Grab/Hold opponent; 1D4 Odds & Evens roll
          for Status Effect: Suffocation
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