P. 44

NAME: Harionago “Barbed woman”


         A beautiful woman with extremely long hair tipped
         with thorn-like barbs that is under her direct control,
         and she uses it to ensnare men.  She is said to wander
         the roads of the Japanese prefecture of Ehime on the
         island of Shikoku.  When she finds a young man, she
         will laugh at him, and if the young man dares to
         laugh back, Harionago will drop her terrible, barbed
         hair and attack.

         ATTRIBUTES                        Bonus /Hindrance
                                                                             ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART
            HEALTH POINTS: 108              +_____/-_____
                                                               HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
            CARRY POINTS: 1                 +_____/-_____

            PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 3       +_____/-_____      5     1     1     4      2      3    3     2     1
            MOVEMENT POINTS: 1              +_____/-_____

            AWARENESS POINTS: 2             +_____/-_____
            DEFENSIVE POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____

            STRENGTH POINTS: 4              +_____/-_____
            STAMINA POINTS: 1               +_____/-_____    BEHAVIOR

             STEALTH POINTS: 1              +_____/-_____    Vs. Human
                                                              Harionago seek and attack young men, by laughing
         Ki ENERGY: 1200           Bonus:+N/A                 at them.  If the young man laughs back, the Hari-
                                                              onago will attack with barbed hair entangling them
          Throwing Range: 6        Bonus:+ N/A                and tearing them apart.  Women are safe from the
                                                              wrath of this yokai.
                                                              Vs. Same  Yokai
         1– Striking Tech: Tiger Claw
                                                              Harionago do not keep company of others.  Should
         2– Sweep Takedown Tech: Single Foot                  two enter the same area, they will avoid each other
         3– Standing Grapple Tech: Back                       by leaving the area.

         4- Striking Tech: Tiger Claw                         Vs. Different Yokai
         5– Back Throw Takedown Tech: Suplex                  Most yokai are safe from the wrath of the Harionago.
         6– Mystic Art                                        Those that aren’t are yokai that still look like males.
                                                              Those yokai are targets for the attack.
         MYISTC Art                                           Gain vs.

         “Death’s Web”- entangle a target in a web to make them at-  N/A
         tempt to escape.  When the target is weak the demon attacks
                                                              Weakness vs.
         Effects: Target-3 to Break Grip; Drains 1D4 STA and 1D4
         DEF per failed attempt to escape; -10 HEA if target escapes   Ice based attacks apply x2 STR
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