P. 49

NAME: Shinigami “Grim Reaper”

          Gods that invite humans towards death, or induce
          feelings of wanting to die in humans.

           ATTRIBUTES                       Bonus /Hindrance
              HEALTH POINTS: 116             +_____/-_____                  ATTRIBUTE MODIFIER CHART

              CARRY POINTS: 7                +_____/-_____    HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE

              PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS: 1      +_____/-_____
                                                                 2     3     1     2      5     1     1    4     3
              MOVEMENT POINTS: 2             +_____/-_____
              AWARENESS POINTS: 3            +_____/-_____

              DEFENSIVE POINTS: 3            +_____/-_____

              STRENGTH POINTS: 4             +_____/-_____
              STAMINA POINTS: 1              +_____/-_____    BEHAVIOR

               STEALTH POINTS: 1             +_____/-_____    Vs. Human
                                                               The Shinigami is the ferryman that sends the living
           Ki ENERGY: 300           Bonus:+N/A                 to the realm of the dead.  Feared upon sight, his mis-
                                                               sion is to drag people from one world to the next.
           Throwing Range: 7        Bonus:+ N/A
                                                               Vs. Same  Yokai

                                                               Vs. Different Yokai
          1– Standing Grapple Tech: Back
          2– Back Throw Takedown Tech: Dragon Suplex           Different yokai understand the mission of the
                                                               Shinigami, and stay away from it.  It is not known if
          3– Mystic  Art
                                                               the Shinigami can take the yokai to another plain,
          4– Back Throw Takedown Tech: Back Drop               however, none have tried to validate this occurrence.

                                                               Gain vs.
          MYISTC ARTS
          “Suicide Note”- The Shinigami uses telepathy to talk to the
          target suggesting that they should take their own life.     Weakness vs.
          Effects: Cast 1D6 to win a best of 5 contest.  Should the   N/A
          Shinigami win, the human will take his/her life in 1D12 me-
          lee rounds.  During the time allotted the victim will only talk
          about killing their self.  This can be reversed through a sec-
          ond best of 5 series casting a 1D6 with another PC or NPC.

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