P. 36

PART 11        “Respect Earned”                        GM NOTE: The PC will not notice their new disfig-
                                                                urement unless they look in the mirror. When they see
            After the final blow that knocks out the yokai, the   their new look, have the player roll the die to deter-
         PC wakes up the next day in his room.  Nothing is      mine just how badly they are changed.
         out of place in their dwellings.  However, if they
         search, they will find the Master’s uniform.           GM NOTES: Rewards
                                                                   -Experience Points= TBD
            When the PC leaves their dwelling, they will find
         the Kurai Hitokage is operating as usual.  The Elder      -Point of Renown= 0
         members are nowhere to be found.  Should the PC           -Ki Energy= TBD
         travel anywhere Kurai Hitokage students are present,      -Mystic Art, determined by selected yokai
         the students will bow to the PC, and treat them as a      -Hansatsu= 640
         master whether or not they opt to wear their new uni-     -Kurai Hitokage Master Uniform
                                                                       STE+3; STA+1; MOV+2; CAR+1
         GM NOTE: PC may attempt their new technique               -Physical Beauty Attribute= -1D4
         whenever they choose.

                                                                                            Uchitori Elder Ninja Konachi

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