P. 55

Elder Quests                                              others outside the gate at midnight.  That is all;
                                                                     you’re dismissed.  Unless you want to stay.
         “Homecoming”                                           PART 2     “What to Wear?”

         Requirements: Intermediate Level                       Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress
         NPC Characters of Contact                                 Should the PC(s) decide to meet with Ono, they
            -Ono                                                need to gather their equipment as instructed.

            -Kurai Hitokage NPC Soldiers                        GM NOTE: This quest takes place the night of
            -Nara,Tenri Citizens                                Ono’s invite.  The PC(s) do not have time to make a
         Properties                                             purchase.  However, if they feel the need to attempt
            -Various Tenri Shops                                to venture to a store, a lot them a maximum of 20
         Environment                                            minutes to return to the fortress and meet up with
                                                                Ono.  If they are late, they miss the opportunity to
            -Kurai District
                                                                join the party, and will not be able to follow, nor find
            -Nara Prefecture, Tenri; 40°                        the party within a reasonable amount of time.
                                                                PART 3    “Grudge Match”
            With time on his hands, the Kurai Hitokage’s
         flamboyant  master Ono feels the need to return        Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress
         home and visit the residents of his hated home in Na-     When the PC(s) meet Ono at the front gate, Ono
         ra.  To fulfill his need to keep  his personal tradition   will brief the party on the mission they will undertake
         of extracting revenge, Ono returns home to once        when they leave.
         again repay those who tormented his upbringing.
         PART 1     “No Need for Introductions”                   Tonight, my lovelies, is my anniversary of leaving
                                                                 that god-forsaken town I grew up in, and finding my
         Location: Kurai Hitokage Fortress                      true home with the Kurai Hitokage.  Every year I pay
                                                                  those wretched individuals who tormented me for
            The PC(s) are in a training session with several     being who I am a visit.  What we are going to do is
         other members of their blet rank.  All around the dojo   travel to Tenri, and scare the people of the village.  I
         various members are practicing projectile techniques,   have used my yokai form to create a legend that the
         combat techniques, strength and conditioning exer-     villages will remember long after I am gone from this
                                                                world.  We will NOT harm them in anyway, because
         cises in the various areas of the dojo.                leaving them trembling in fear for their entire lives is
                                                                 my goal.  Yes, they will learn how uncomfortable it
         GM NOTE: Have the PC(s) best some 1D6 die rolls         is to live in fear as I had to endure for so long.  They
         –applying any modifiers– in order to impress Ono as     made my existence miserable simply because I did
         part of their training lesson.  If the PC(s) fail to im-  not comply with to the societal norms and expecta-
         press Ono, restart this scenario using the same set up   tions of males by the ignorant.  Shaming me and hu-
         on a different night.                                  miliating me in every way.  of the ignorant and Those
                                                                of you who are with me, come a long.  If you choose
            After successfully completing the training ses-      not to come, there ill be no consequence.  I’m sure
         sion, and with sweat dripping off of their bodies, Ono     our paths will cross in… other fashions soon.
         approaches the group choosing one to speak with at     GMNOTE: The party size is equal to  three times the
         an uncomfortably close distance.                       amount of PC(s) involved, plus Ono.  The Party will
                                                                split into three groups.  Ono with all the PC(s) will
                         ONO (flirtatiously)
                                                                form one group, the other two groups will be com-
           I’ve been watching you train and can see that you’re   prised of NPCs.
         getting very strong.  I could use strong warriors, such
         as you, to assist me with a bit of a… tradition.  If you
          want an adventure like nothing you’ve ever experi-
         enced, gather your equipment and meet me and some

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