P. 57

Ono furiously leads his team of ninjas though the
         streets of Tenri in an effort to locate and kill the dis-  NAME: Kurai Hitokage Ninja
         respectful ninja who disobeyed his orders.             Attributes:                     Belt Level: Purple

         GM NOTE: Roll Odds & Evens to determine if this         HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
         group is the guilty party.  If not, they will inform Ono   111   2   6     2     2     1     3    3    2
         that the guilty party is at one of the town Jewelers.
                                                                Techniques:                  Ki Energy: 275
         PART 7     “Brought to Justice”                        -Attack Heights: High     -Kicking Technique: Hook Kick
         Location: Nara Prefecture, Tenri                       -Attack Heights: Medium   -Kicking Technique: Side Snap
                                                                -Attack Heights: Low      -Striking Technique: Reverse Punch
            Ono guides the PC(s) to the top of a building
                                                                -Striking Technique: Jab Punch   -Special Technique: Acrobatics II
         where they look down upon a  jewelry shop.  A look
                                                                -Special Technique: Spin   -Non-Projectile Weapon Technique:
         through its window and they can see the jeweler ly-                              Proper Grip III
                                                                -Kicking Technique: Front Snap
         ing dead on the floor, and the shop being robbed by    -Standing Grapple Technique: Front   -Special Technique: Lock Picking I
         the other Kurai Hitokage team.  Ono gives the order    -Striking Technique: Straight Punch   -Special Technique: Acting I
         to the members of his team to kill the other group.    -Special Technique: Jump   -Non-Projectile Weapon Technique:
                                                                                          Proper Grip IV
         GM NOTE: Rewards                                       -Standing Grapple Technique: Back   -Special Technique: Camouflage
                                                                -Standing Grapple Technique: Break   -Defensive Non-Projectile Technique:
            -Experience Points= TBD                             Grip                      Dishonorable Things III
            -Points of Renown= TBD                              -Kicking Technique: Front Thrust    -Horse Training Basic Technique:
                                                                -Special Technique: Acrobatics I   Heeding
            -Ki Energy= TBD                                                               -Defensive Non-Projectile Weapon
                                                                -Non-Projectile Weapon Technique:   Technique: Parry
            -Hansatsu= 200 + Jewelry from the store= 500        Proper Grip II
            -Refined Ono                                        Weapons:

                                                                Weapon 1: Basic Ninjato
          Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
                                                                 Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
           1.5      25      1      25      1      1      1
                                                                   1       20      1      50      1       2     1
         NAME: Adult Citizen (Male or Female)
                                                                Status Effects: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding Roll
         Attributes:                      Belt Level: White
          HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE           Sub-Weapon 1: Makibishi             Qty.: 5
           120   6     5     3     3     2    5     2    2       Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA

         Techniques:                  Ki Energy: 15                .2     N/A      0      2     N/A     N/A  N/A
         -Striking Technique: Straight Punch
                                                                Status Effect: -2 to Pursuit Rolls
         -Striking Technique: Reverse Punch
         -Kicking Technique: Front Thrust
                                                                        Possible Citizens’ Weapon Chart
         -Kicking Technique: Front Snap                         Weapon: Basic Bo Staff

         NAME: Child Citizen (Male or Female)                    Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
         Attributes:                                               .2     N/A      0      2     N/A     N/A  N/A
          HEA  CAR  PhB  MOV  AWA  DEF  STR  STA  STE
           111    2    6     2     2     1     3    3    2      Status Effect: N/A
                                                                Weapon: Basic Wakizashi
         Techniques:                  Ki Energy: 10
                                                                 Weight   AtP     Rng    LiE     Mas     Vel   CoA
         -Striking Technique: Straight Punch
                                                                   .2     N/A      0      2     N/A     N/A  N/A
         -Kicking Technique: Front Snap
                                                                Status Effect: 1D4 Odds & Evens Bleeding roll
   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59   60   61   62