P. 63

PART 10    “Let’s Take A Dip”                           PART 11    “And Now, for the Monk”

        Location: Gifu Prefecture, Ena                          Location: Aichi Prefecture, Aichi
            The group travels to Gifu and goes to the Ena          Upon acquiring the Shyubi No Dou, the group
        Gorge.  Ita harmonious, mysteriously shaped rock        should make their way to the Aichi prefecture which
        formations are prominent throughout.  Any of the PC     is the home of the Dampusan Kofun.  The Dampusan
        (s) with the Agamaki of Swimming may jump in and        Kofun is a burial mound.  It has a circular portion
        attempt to find the Shubi No Dou.                       containing a burial chamber.  The rectangular portion
                                                                is terraced into three tiers.  The grass around the buri-
        GM NOTE: Hide the Shyubi No Dou from the PC(s)
        and use a combination of Awareness Tests while          al mound is 27.5 meters wide.
        maintaining the amount of Stamina Points for the           The Monk is not alone.  He also has 1D20 guards
        group and the implementing the rules for swimming       strategically placed around the grounds.  The Monk
        to determine success.                                   can be found on the center mound guarding the Yo-
                                                                hishi No Seigyo.

         Dampusan Kofun Property Map
                                                                C: Tree Covered Paths
         GM NOTE: Exterior Tree Height: 20ft. Minimum
                                                                   Under this section is a series of winding paths
            Exterior Thickness: 25ft. At widest point
                                                                surrounded and covered by foliage.  These paths lead
            Total Length: 435ft.                                to both sections A and B of the Dampusan Kofun.
         A: Main Entrance: 10ft.x15ft.x20ft.                    D1: Moat

         B: Circular Portion                                       Width: 27.5ft. At widest point
            Diameter: 240ft.                                       Depth: 12ft.

            Tree Height: 25ft. Minimum

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