P. 67

Character Profile                                                     Quirks

      NAME (First)_Kichiku-sama__ NAME (Last)____________ GENDER: _M_       1-_High Pain Threshold______________________
                                                                            Effect: -1 from all attack damage received _______
      AGE:_N/A  WEIGHT:_220 HEIGHT:_6’2” PERSONALITY:_Field Marshal___
                                                                            2– Shor Temper____________________________
      REGION:_Unknown__________ AFFILIATION:_Kurai Hitokage____ /N/A Pts
                                                                            Effect: +1 to rolls for Power Strike_____________
      FAVORITE FOOD: Unknown________________________+N/A Health Points

      Character Attributes                          Bonus /     Martial Arts Discipline
                                                  Hindrance     NAME:_Kurai Hitokage Ninjutsu___________________________
      HEALTH POINTS           154
                                                                WHITE:_40/40         BROWN:130/130         5th BLACK:900/900
      CARRY POINTS             9                   +__/-__      YELLOW:_60/60     RED:142/142               6th BLACK:1000/1000

      PHYSICAL BEAUTY POINTS                 3     +__/-__      ORANGE:_75/75     1st BLACK:_225/225  7th BLACK:1100/1100

      MOVEMENT POINTS               9              +__/-__      GREEN:_93/93_      2nd BLACK:_600/600 8th BLACK:1200/1200
                                                                BLUE:100/100         3rd BLACK:700/700    9th BLACK:1300/1300
      AWARENESS POINTS               8             +__/-__
                                                                PURPLE:_152/152   4thBLACK:800/800_   MASTER:1400/1400
      DEFENSIVE POINTS  10                         +__/-__

      STRENGTH POINTS  11                          +__/-__      Possession List

      STAMINA POINTS             9                 +__/-__      1._Kurai Hitokage  Medallion____________________ Qty.:_1___

       STEALTH POINTS            9                +__/-__       Bonus: Access into Kurai Hitokage Fortress and  dojo___________
                                                                2._Kurai Hitokage Master Uniform________________ Qty.: 4____
      Ki ENERGY:_2,690__________________  Bonus:+_______
                                                                Bonus: _STE+3; STA+1; MOV+2; CAR+1___________________
                                                                3.___________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      Throwing Range:_12____       Bonus:+_______
                                                                Bonus: ________________________________________________
      Animal 1                   TRAINING
                                                                4.___________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      KIND:__________________    OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                                5.___________________________________________ Qty.:_____
      HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
      MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Bonus:_________________________________________________

      Animal 2                    TRAINING
                                                                Points & CURRENCY
      KIND:_________________      OBD PTS EARNED:_______
                                                                HANSATSU:_0_______________ EXP. POINTS:_N/A_________
                                                                POINTS OF REKNOWN:
      HEA:_____  CAR:_____  STR:_____  DEF:_____  STA:_____
      MOV:_____  STE:_____  AWA:_____  OBD:_____                Fame:_3___________________  Notoriety:_18,998,999_________

      -Shadow____________  -Akuma No Hitokage:   The evilest living creature in all of Japan is the true
      -Short Range________                      head of the Kurai Hitokage.  However, "The Man of
                           -Akuma No Hitokage:   100 Demons" spends his time bonded by mystical
      -Create Image_______   Nihon No Ryu_______   chains to the confines of a lone chamber in the "Cave
      -Medium Range______   -Akuma No Hitokage:   of the Dead".  Before becoming the Kichiku-sama, Oki
      -3D Image__________   Gashadokuro________   was driven to become the most powerful man in Ja-
      -Passenger__________   -Akuma No Hitokage:   pan.  To do so, he underwent the Akuma No Hitokage
                           Basan______________  several times, before being driven completely mad by
                           -Akuma No Hitokage:   the parasites he invited into his body.  While in bond-
      -Fabricate___________  Akurojin-no-hi______   age, the Kichiku-sama plots his escape and revenge of
      -Anywhere__________  -__________________   the members of his clan that turned their backs on him.
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