Page 49 - 2023-2024 UCSD Med-Peds Recruitment e-Brochure
P. 49

Lori Wan
                                             Associate Program Director (APD)

         Med School                                            UCSD School of Medicine

         Post Residency Career                                 Former UCSD Med-Peds Program Director (22 years!),
                                                               After 22 years as PD, I am excited to transition this
                                                               position to my wonderful colleague, Dr. Perrie Pardee
                                                               (who was the APD for our program for 8 years); I am also
                                                               an Academic Community Director (one of six main
                                                               faculty advisors for the UCSD Medical School), Practice
                                                               Med-Peds Primary Care

         Special Interests within Medicine                     Career Advising and Mentorship
         Hobbies                                               Crafting—card making, decorating for holidays,
         Family and Pets                                       I love furry animals but since I’m allergic I have my two-
                                                               legged family members…my wonderful husband, Ray
                                                               and my amazing 18 year-old son, Brennan who is now at
                                                               UC Berkeley Haas School of Business
         Favorite Part about UCSD Med Peds                     My RESIDENTS!  They are my second family especially
                                                               since I’m an empty-nester now!  They are all unique but
                                                               also are ALL very talented, passionate, curious,
                                                               compassionate, and supportive

         Favorite Med Peds Moment                              Well, I can’t think of one single moment over the past
                                                               several years.  But I would say my favorite Med Peds
                                                               moment that occurs annually is graduation for the
                                                               seniors.  Not because I want to see them go!---that’s the
                                                               part I don’t like about them graduating.  It’s my favorite
                                                               moment every year because I am always so proud of
                                                               what they have accomplished in their four years and
                                                               what they are going to do as Med Peds physicians in the
                                                               future.  I hope I have played a small, humble part in
                                                               helping them achieve what they cherish most in being a
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