Page 52 - 2023-2024 UCSD Med-Peds Recruitment e-Brochure
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           Residency   Name              Career
           1994-1998   Brent Rathbun     MP Primary Care, Sharp Rees-Stealy San Diego

                      David Reynaldo     Combined Med/Peds Primary Care, Sharp Rees-Stealy San Diego
           1995-1999   Rachel Bacon      MP Hospitalist San Diego
                                         Community Peds with Neighborhood Health
                                         FM clinic at Sharp Rees-Stealy
                      Chris Casey        CDC Immunizations
                      Lori Wan           UCSD Women's Health Fellowship
                                         UCSD Med/Peds Faculty in Primary Care
                                         Med/Peds Residency Program Director, Academic Community Director, UCSD SOM
                      Michael Mills      Med/Peds Primary Care, Oregon
           1996-2000   Jennifer Blanchard   HIV Medicine
                                         UCSD Medicine Faculty
                      Jennifer Fisher    Scripps Green Medicine Hem/Onc Fellowship
                                         Scripps Clinic Primary Care (Medicine and Pediatrics Clinics)
                                         Hematologist/Oncologist, Sharp Community Medical Group
                      Aparna Kambhampati    Community Primary Care MP Clinic in Los Angeles
                                         Medicine Faculty, University of Southern California
                                         Internist in New Mexico
                      Christie Reed      CDC HIV
                                         Internist and Pediatrician, Atlanta, GA
           1997-2001   Ken Brady         Anesthesia Residency and PICU Fellowship, Johns Hopkins
                                         Pediatric Critical Care Physician, Johns Hopkins
                                         Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Pediatrics, Texas Children's Hospital
                      Krista Burris-Kim   MP Primary Care, Sharp Rees-Stealy San Diego
                                         Indian Health Services
                      Susannah Ehret     Primary Care community clinic, Los Angeles
                      Tory Katz          Indian Health Services, Shiprock, New Mexico
                                         Hospital Medicine, Bozeman Health Hospital Medicine, Bozeman, Montana
                      Laura (Fagerlund)
           1998-2002   Petrovich         Sharp Group Practice
                                         Owns Private Med/Peds Primary Care practice, Coronado, San Diego
                      Matthew Niedner    CHHC PICU Fellowship, San Diego
                                         Pediatric Critical Care Physician
                                         Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, University of Michigan
                      Matthew Schreiber   Medicine Practice, GA
                                         CMO of Hospitalist Group, Atlanta, GA
                                         VP of Hospital Quality and Patient Safety, Spectrum Health Systems MC, Michigan
                                         COO, Newark Beth Israel Medial Center
                      Kamei Tolba        San Diego Urgent Care, Children's Primary Care Medical Group, San Diego
           1999-2003   Kalpana Chalasani   UCSD Combined ID Fellowship (accepted but then declined 2004)
                                         UCSD Hospitalist
                                         Rady Children's Hospital San Diego Urgent Care
                                         North County Health Services (FQHC)
                                         Hospitalist, Sharp Memorial Hospital, San Diego
                      Suzanne Lefebvre   Combined MP practice in Connecticut
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