Page 70 - Primary (2) - English - Main Course_Neat - 03
P. 70

Asli (say – says), “Thanks you, grandpa. I (understand –

                understands) that honeybees are social animals because they

                (doesn’t – don’t) live alone. They (lives – live) together. They
                have got stings. So, they can protect themselves against

                enemies. They can rule themselves because they have got

                queen bees. By the way, may I ask you a question about

                queen bees?” “Yes, of course,” answers the grandfather. Asli

                (ask – asks), “(Have – Has) a queen bee got a crown?”

                      The grandfather (laugh – laughs) and says, “They (is –

                are) not real queens. They (are – is) animal queens. They

                (don’t – doesn’t) wear crowns.” ☺

                 Read the previous story. Then, answer the following questions.

                1)  How old is Asli?

                2) What pet has she got?

                3) What does Asli and her pet do together?

                4) Where does Asli’s grandfather live?

                5) Are bees social animals? Why?

                                                                 English – First Term
                                                                                       – Unit Five
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