Page 57 - 4. Pre-Course Reading-Training on Forestry Audit 2019
P. 57

Appendix 3: Audit Design Matrix

                                                      RESEARCHABLE   RESEARCHABLE
           TOPIC           SUB-TOPIC        RSIK                                             CRITERIA
                                                        QUESTION     SUB-QUESTION
                         Forest Protection  Biodiversity and   Is forest protected   Does forest have   • A legal/regulatory framework setting out
                                        ecosystem loss.  from disaster?  forest protection   requirements to avoid forest fires, and if
                                        Forest fires.                from fire and   appropriate, to prepare and implement
                                        Illegal logging.            chemical accidents?  a fire management plan.
                                        Illegal use of land.                      • A national agency or institutional framework
                                        Disaster.                                 with the capacity to supervise the preparing
                                        Conflict.                                  and implementation of fire management plans.
                                        Social problems.                          • A national agency or institutional framework
                                        Damage to water                           with the capacity to fight forest fires.
                                        Shortage of raw ma-
                                        terials for industry.

                                                                    Is forest protected   • Instructions for handling and storage of
                                                                    from chemical   chemicals and waste oils are provided and
                                                                    accidents, in order   enforced. Special restrictions are applied near
                                                                    to secure personnel   watercourses and other sensitive areas.  57
                                                                    safety and avoid

                         Legal          Biodiversity and   Do legal arrange-  Does any   • Concession legislation is adopted or rein-
                         Arrangements   ecosystem loss.  ments exist in the   concession   forced to cover the following aspects: the
                                        Forest fires.  forest management?  agreement ensure   responsibilities and authority of the forest
                                        Illegal logging.            sustainable forest   service and the responsibility of the concessio-
                                        Illegal use of land.        management?   naires; the size and duration of concession
                                        Conflict.                                  or license; and conditions for renewal and
                                        Revenue loss.                             termination.
                                        Social problems.

                                                      Is the forest protec-  Is forest protected   • A legal/regulatory framework includes
                                                      ted from activities   from activities   measures to avoid illegal logging and illegal
                                                      incompatible with   incompatible with   timber-trade.
                                                      sustainable timber   sustainable timber   • A national agency or institutional framework
                                                      production?   production?   with the capacity to protect forests from
                                                                                  activities incompatible with sustainable timber
                                                                                  • A log-tracking systems, machinery
                                                                                  with GPS-equipment, or similar control
                                                                                  mechanisms, are established.
                                                                                  • A national agency or institutional framework
                                                                                  with the capacity to supervise logging permits.

                         Monitoring     Biodiversity and   Does monitoring and   Is monitoring and   • A national agency or institutional framework
                         and research   ecosystem loss.  research exist?  research appropriate  with the capacity and mechanisms for periodic
                                        Forest fires.                and effective?  monitoring, evaluation, and feedback on
                                        Illegal logging.                           progress.
                                        Illegal use of land.                      • If appropriate, design for Permanent Sample
                                        Disaster.                                 Plot (PSP) procedure (distribution, number,
                                                                                  design, minimum measurements), and for
                                                                                  monitoring of PSPs to increase accuracy of
                                                                                  Annual Allowable Cut calculations is developed
                                                                                  and implemented.
                                                                                  • There is implemented assessment of
                                                                                  compatibility of management practices and
                                                                                  silvicultural systems by carrying out regeneration
                                                                                  surveys, and studies on need for post-harvest
                                                                                  stand treatment and other relevant subjects.
                                                                                  • There is implemented assessment of
                                                                                  compatibility of logging practices with declared
                                                                                  secondary objectives such as conservation
                                                                                  and protection, and with the overall principle
                                                                                  of sustainability.
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