Page 52 - 4. Pre-Course Reading-Training on Forestry Audit 2019
P. 52
Auditing Forests: Guidance for Supreme Audit Institutions
Permanent Biodiversity and Are sufficient land Are the categories • The different categories of land to be kept
Forest Estate ecosystem loss. categories kept under of land to be kept under permanent forest are: land to be protec-
Forest fires. permanent forest under permanent ted; land for nature conservation; land for
Illegal logging. cover to secure their forest cover differen- production of timber and other forest products;
Illegal use of land. optimal contribution tiated on the basis and land intended to fulfill combinations of these
Revenue loss. to national develop- of their objectives? objectives.
Damage to water ment? • The various categories of the Permanent
management. Forest Estate are identified, surveyed and
their boundaries marked in consultation with
surrounding populations, taking into account
their present and future needs for agriculture
and customary use.
• Total carbon storage in forest stands and in
soil is increasing or stable, compared to a
previous time (for example 5, 10, 20 etc.
years ago). The methods of measurement are
understandable and acceptable at the
52 international level.
Are the lands des- • Land destined for conversion to other uses
tined for conversion (agriculture, mines, etc.) and any land for which
to other uses handled the final use is uncertain, should be kept under
properly? managed forest until the need for clearing arises.
Biodiversity and Biodiversity and Does the govern- Does forest manage- • A national agency or an institutional framework
ecosystem loss. ecosystem loss. ment establish and ment conserve maintains awareness of the need to establish
manage a system of biological diversity, different types of protected areas (IUCN cate-
protected areas to unique and fragile gories I-VI) to maintain biological diversity and
conserve ecosystem ecosystems, and ecosystem stability.
biodiversity? landscapes in order • A legal/regulatory framework providing for
to maintain the eco- legal instruments to protect representative, rare,
logical function and or vulnerable forest ecosystems and threatened
the integrity of the species.
forest? • There are implemented procedures to identify
high conservation value forests and endangered,
rare, and threatened forest types.
• There are implemented procedures to identify
and protect endangered, rare and threatened
species of forest-dependent flora and fauna.
• A legal/regulatory framework describes
management measures and procedures
for protecting and monitoring biodiversity in
production forests.
• Special inventories showing the presence of
an established network of protected areas, and
that the management of these areas enables
the maintenance or restoration of a favorable
conservation status of natural forest habitat types
and the species’ habitats. If not all forest types
are represented appropriately in protected areas,
a national agency or an institutional framework
has an action plan to improve the situation.
• A legal/regulatory framework describes
measures for conservation of genetic variation
within commercial, endangered, rare, and
threatened species of forest flora and fauna.