Page 29 - FASTSIGNS Case Study Book
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Broad Challenges Solved with Extensive Range of Signs and Graphics
The Challenge values and project case studies . Dimensional wall murals and
Faith Technologies is a national leader in electrical planning, canvas artwork emphasize the company’s focus on investing
engineering, design and installation. With goals of improving in and building an experienced team, and on providing
client and prospect experience, industry awareness, job safety comprehensive products and all-inclusive services.
and simplified ordering on a national level, Faith Technologies
approached FASTSIGNS . Multi-layered acrylic and cable displays, walls with
changeable magnetic receptive graphics and mobile
The Solution tour kiosks give visitors and customers an interactive
“As Faith Technologies began this great undertaking of experience during tours .
developing a multi-faceted branding and customer
experience program, they brought us into the mix,” said The Result
FASTSIGNS’ Trevor Hauke. “We began the process with a By taking the time to understand Faith Technologies’
few late-night meetings to really spend time delving into goals and challenges, FASTSIGNS was able to provide a
their challenges and concerns, and then we developed comprehensive visual solution that improved all of their
broad-scope visual communications solutions.” needs – an improved customer experience, more industry
awareness, improved job safety and a simplified ordering
Faith Technologies broke ground on a new headquarters, process that improved productivity.
which provided a blank canvas to help design a tour-ready
facility with the sole focus on customer experience. A floor- With the new branding scheme throughout, FASTSIGNS
by-floor visual strategy was developed to drive home why now produces signs and graphics for all Faith Technologies’
Faith Technologies is different and leading the industry on a job sites including dry erase boards, construction site signs,
national level. hard hat certification decals, electrical hazard awareness
magnets and countless other elements .
A combination of dimensional letters and multi-layered
acrylic displays combine to feature Faith Technologies’ core *This project was completed by FASTSIGNS of Appleton, WI.