Page 106 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 106
Countless species live on the earth, some This book gives an insight into
of which you will be familiar with, and oth- some good moral aspects of the
ers not. Each one of these creatures, Karma philosophy which are in
from the dogs or cats which you come agreement with the Koran, as well
across every day, to the wild animals liv- as its twisted views which conflict
ing in the jungle, have wonderful features with human reason and con-
and fascinating abilities. All of these are a science. The book also explains
reflection of God's infinite power and why following God's way and liv-
artistry. In this book, you will read about ing by the Qur'an is the only way
the interesting features and amazing ac- to real happiness, peace, and se-
complishments of these wonderful crea- curity.
A person having fear of God naturally The main purpose of this book is to
shows mercy for His servants and treats fully reveal the plight of oppressed
them kindly. Yet it is essential to distin- Muslims across the world, and to in-
guish between the concept of mercy, as vite people of conscience to think on
conceived by people of ignorance, and this reality and look for solutions. The
the mercy described in the Qur'an. This expected spring is, by the will of God,
book was written for that purpose. to come soon.
Some religious people think that the the- This book maintains that only love,
ory of evolution is a scientific fact and look tolerance and peace can eradicate
for a "middle way" between this theory and terrorism and reveals, with quota-
belief in God. However, in truth, the ideo- tions from the Qur'an, the New
logical framework behind the theory con- Testament and the Torah, that ter-
sists of anti-religious thought put forward rorism is a form of savagery con-
to strengthen atheism. This book is aimed demned by all divine religions. With
at offering a response to those Muslims examples from history, the book
who try to find common ground between demonstrates that the only way to
the theory of evolution and the fact of cre- fight terrorism is to embrace the
ation, and who even try to find evidence sentiments fostered by the values of
for the theory in the Qur'an. religion, such as love, compassion,
forgiveness, tolerance and justice.
The creation of man, who is endowed with Being a true servant of God and
a highly complicated body structure, from conducting one's life in the light of
a drop of water, comes about through an the Qur'an require a sound knowl-
extraordinary course of development. edge of the Qur'an. This book is
This development certainly does not hap- prepared for those who aim to at-
pen as the result of an idle process, and tain the good pleasure, mercy,
random coincidences, but is a conscious and Paradise of God.
act of creation. This book is about the de-
tails of the "miracle in man's creation".
The adjective "perfected" (kamil) carries Are you aware of the beauties that
the meaning inclusive, entire and com- are presented by the Qur'an for
plete. The "perfected faith" discussed in human life? Have you ever thought
this book represents the highest level of about the benefits a person and so-
maturity and depth of faith a person can ciety have when they follow the
never attain. commandments of the Qur'an?
With this book, you will also recog-
nise the beauties presented by the
Qur'an for life.