Page 101 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 101

The information hidden inside          Just as a tiny key opens a
                     DNA controls the thousands of          huge door, this book will
                     different events that take place       open new horizons for its
                     in the cells of the human body         readers. Relating the
                     and in the functioning of its sys-     amazing and admirable
                     tems. In the same way that             features of spiders known
                     every book has a writer and            by few people, this book
                     owner, so does the information         reveals the excellence and
                     in DNA: and that Creator is our        perfection inherent in
                     Lord God, the All-Wise.                God's creation.

                     These millimeter-sized animals        The purpose of this book is
                     have an excellent ability for or-     to display the miraculous
                     ganization and specialization         features of plants and
                     that is not to be matched by any      hence to make people see
                     other being on earth. These as-       "the creation miracle" in
                     pects of ants create in one a         things -they often en-
                     great admiration for God's su-        counter in the flow of their
                     perior power and unmatched            daily lives and sidestep.

                    This book maintains that the            The content of this book is
                    source of the scourge of terror-        an extremely important
                    ism does not come from a di-            truth:"All events, people,
                    vine religion, and that there is        buildings, cities, cars,
                    no room for terrorism in Islam.         places, which are a part of
                                                            our life in this world, in
                                                            short, everything we see,
                                                            hold, touch, smell, taste
                                                            and hear, are actually illu-
                                                            sions and sensations that
                                                            form in our brain."

                     This book deals with how the           This book reveals what a
                     theory of evolution is invali-         serious threat romanticism
                     dated by scientific findings and       poses to societies and indi-
                     experiments in a concise and           viduals, and shows how
                     simple language.                       easy it is to eliminate this

                     The theory of evolution has been       Fascism is an ideology that
                     on the agenda for 150 years,           has brought great disasters
                     deeply affecting numerous peo-         to humanity. The main pur-
                     ples' outlook on life. It imposes on   pose of the book is to pres-
                     them the lie that they are an "ani-    ent various fascist tenden-
                     mal species" that came into being      cies which appear under dif-
                     as a result of coincidences. In this   ferent methods and guises,
                     book, commonly asked ques-             and expose their real origins
                     tions about the theory of evolu-       and objectives.
                     tion and evolutionary claims on
                     these issues are answered.
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