Page 100 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 100
When you read this book, you Never plead ignorance of
will see that Darwin's theory God's evident existence, that
has absolutely broken down, you will not stay so long in
just as he feared it would. A this world, of the reality of
thorough examination of the death, that the Qur'an is the
feathers of a bird, or the wing Book of truth, that you will
structure of a fly reveal amaz- give account for your deeds,
ingly complex designs. And of the voice of your con-
these designs indicate that science that always invites
they are created flawlessly by you to righteousness.
This book is a summons to The world is a temporary
think. A summons to pon- place specially created by
der over the universe and God to test man. Each and
living beings and see how every attraction existing in the
they have been created world eventually wears out,
flawlessly. becomes corrupt, decays and
finally disappears. This book
leads man to ponder the real
place to which he belongs,
namely the hereafter.
In this book you will find ex- Scientific progress makes it
planations about eternity, clear that living beings have
timelessness and space- an extremely complex struc-
lessness that you will never ture and an order that is too
have encountered anywhere perfect to have come into
else and you will be con- being by accident. In this
fronted by the reality that book, the unique creation of
eternity has already begun. God is once again disclosed
for all to see.
When the events of "sickness" The way to examine the uni-
and "recovering" take place, our verse and all the beings
bodies become a battleground therein and to discover
in which a bitter struggle is tak- God's art of creation and an-
ing place. The body however nounce it to humanity is "sci-
has a mechanism that combats ence". Therefore, religion
them. This system proves that adopts science as a way to
the human body is the outcome
of a unique design that has reach the details of God's
been planned with a great wis- creation. This book is about
dom and skill. this close link between sci-
ence and religion.
The plan, design, and delicate Colours, patterns, spots
balance existing in our bodies even lines of each living
and reaching into even the re- being existing in nature
motest corners of the iuni- have a meaning. An atten-
verse must surely have a su- tive eye would immediately
perior Creator. Man is unable recognise that not only the
to see his Creator yet he can living beings, but also every-
nevertheless grasp His exis- thing in nature are just as
tence, strength, and wisdom they should be.
by means of his intellect.