Page 104 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 104
A study that examines and The Qur'an has been sent
seeks to remind us of the down as a book easily under-
basic moral principles of the standable by everyone. In this
Qur'an, particularly those that book, the reasons why those
are most likely to be forgotten people misinterpret the Qur'an
or neglected at times. This are examined and some ex-
book is also available in amples of the objections they
Bengoli. make are reviewed and an-
In this book, all ideologies The purpose of this book is to
based on disbelief are re- warn people against the day on
ferred to as "the religions of which they will say "If only we
irreligion." That is simply be- did not rebel against God. If
cause these ideologies have only we listened to the mes-
in time evolved to become sengers…" and therefore feel
religions with a complete deep regret.
system of beliefs, practices,
and rules for conducting
one's daily life.
Some of the sayings of the A believer who decides to live
Prophet Muhammad (saas) for the cause of God must
have to do with the signs of abandon all the idols of the so-
the last day. In this book, the ciety of ignorance Devoted to
signs of the last day are ex- God is a summons to over-
amined in the light of the throw these idols for good.
verses and the sayings of the
Prophet Muhammad (saas).
Devil has found allies for him- This book is about the enthusi-
self in every age. The anti- asm of believers that keeps
Christ, who will emerge as the growing until the end of their
greatest negative power in lives. The main aim of the book
the end times, is one of them. is to increase the enthusiasm
The purpose of this book is to of believers showing them
portray the anti-Christ in all its what a great blessing enthusi-
features as described in the asm is, and how it enhances
sayings of the Prophet the power of believers.
Muhammad (saas).
One of the principal decep- This book, based on the verses
tions that impel people into of the Qur'an, makes a detailed
delinquency is the fact that depiction of the moment of
they constantly forget the death, the day of judgement,
basic facts of life. This book and the penalties in hell, and it
summons man to remember sounds a warning about the
facts that his soul prompts great danger facing us.
him to forget.