Page 102 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 102

The unprecedented style and          Moses is the prophet whose
                    the superior wisdom inherent         life is most narrated in the
                    in the Qur'an is conclusive evi-     Qur'an. This book provides a
                    dence confirming that it is the      thorough examination into the
                    Word of God. In this book, in        life of the Prophet Moses (as)
                    addition to the scientific mira-     in the light of the Qur'anic
                    cles of the Qur'an, you will also    verses.
                    find messages regarding the

                    Everything that constitutes our      This book presents the philos-
                    life is a totality of perceptions    ophy of freemasonry, and pro-
                    received by our soul. In the         vides a detailed account of
                    book, which consists of a con-       how this philosophy infiltrated
                    versation between four peo-          first into the West, and then
                    ple, the prejudices that pre-        into other civilizations of the
                    vent people from understand-         world. The main theme can be
                    ing this great truth are re-         summed up as "the history of
                    moved, and the misconcep-            the war that freemasonry
                    tions they have are explained.       waged against religion."

                    A person who examines any            In the Qur'an, God tells people
                    corner of the universe sees a        many secrets. For people who
                    flawless plan incorporating          learn these secrets of the
                    both order and design.               Qur'an, however, the life of this
                    Everywhere in the universe           world is very easy, and full of
                    there prevails an admirable          joy and excitement. This book
                    glory. This glory is the superior    deals with the subjects God re-
                    and matchless artistry of  God,      lated to people as a secret.
                    Who creates everything.

                     God, in the Qur'an, calls the       God creates every word one
                     culture of people who are not       utters, and every event one
                     subject to the religion of God      experiences, from the moment
                     "ignorance." The purpose of         one is born into tis world. For a
                     this book is to take this com-      believer who understands this
                     parison further, displaying the     fact, uninterrupted joy of faith
                     extent of the "crude under-         becomes an unchanging qual-
                     standing" of ignorant soci-         ity of life. The fate decreed by
                     eties.                              God is flawless.

                     There are questions about           This book, based on the verses
                     religion that people seek an-       of the Qur'an, makes a detailed
                     swers to and hope to be en-         depiction of the moment of
                     lightened in the best way. In       death, the day of judgement,
                     these booklets, you will find       and the penalties in hell, and it
                     the most accurate answers to        sounds a warning about the
                     all the questions you seek          great danger facing us.
                     answers for and learn your
                     responsibilities towards your
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