Page 99 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 99


                  Many people think that Darwin's        When a person examines his
                  Theory of Evolution is a proven        own body or any other living
                  fact. Contrary to this conventional    thing in nature, the world or the
                  wisdom, recent developments in         whole universe, in it he sees a
                  science completely disprove the        great design, art, plan and in-
                  theory. This book clarifies the sci-   telligence. All this is evidence
                  entific collapse of the theory of      proving Allah's being, unit, and
                  evolution in a way that is detailed    eternal power. For Men of
                  but easy to understand.  Anyone        Understanding .is also avail-
                  who wants to learn about the origin    able in Indonesian, German,
                  of living things, including mankind,   French, Urdu and Russian.
                  needs to read this book.
                 How was matter and time created         Today, science has proven
                 from nothingness? What does the         that the universe was created
                 Big Bang theory signify about the       from nothing with a Big Bang.
                 creation of the universe? What is       Everything from the nuclear
                 the parallelism between Einstein's      reactions in stars to the chemi-
                 Theory of Relativity and the Qur'anic   cal properties of a carbon
                 verses? All of these questions are      atom or a water molecule, is
                 answered in this book. If you want to   created in a glorious harmony.
                 learn the truths about space, matter,   This is the exalted and flaw-
                 time and fate, read this book.          less creation of Allah.

                  Fascism and communism, which           People who are oppressed, who
                  made humanity suffer dark times,       are tortured to death, those who
                  are fed from the same source, on       cannot afford even a loaf of
                  the grounds of which they can at-      bread, women, children, and old
                  tract masses to their side. This       people who are expelled from
                  source is the materialist philosophy   their homes because of their re-
                  and its adaptation to nature, which    ligion… Eventually, there is only
                  is Darwinism. The acknowledge-         one solution to the injustice,
                  ment of the scientific invalidity of   chaos, hunger, and oppression:
                  this theory will bring about the end   the values of the Qur'an.
                  of all these detrimental ideologies.

                 This book gets into detail on the       Many societies that rebelled
                 issue of origins and makes a com-       against the will of God or re-
                 prehensive and technical refuta-        garded His messengers as en-
                 tion of Darwinist theory. As it is      emies were wiped off the face
                 mentioned in the book, anyone           of the earth completely...
                 who still defends the theory of evo-    Perished Nations examines
                 lution has to come into terms with      these penalties as revealed in
                 this book and face its challenge.       the verses of the Quran and in
                 Otherwise, he will de facto accept      light of archaeological discov-
                 that his allegiance to the theory of    eries.
                 evolution is a non-scientific ap-
                 proach but a materialistic dogma.
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