Page 105 - Why Do You Deceive Yourself ?
P. 105
This is a book you will read This booklet, includes sum-
with pleasure and as it maries of all the works of
makes explicitly clear why Harun Yahya. Anyone who
the theory of evolution is reads these books seriously
the greatest aberration in and carefully will soon gain a
the history of science. deep insight into the true na-
ture of the world he lives in.
Have you ever thought Dear kids, while reading this
about the vast dimensions book you will see how God has
of the universe we live in? created all the creatures in the
As you read this book, you most beautiful way and how
will see that our universe
and all the living things every one of them show us His
therein are created in the endless beauty, power and
most perfect way by our knowledge. The World of
Creator, God. This chil- Animals is also available in
dren's book is also avail- French and Russian.
able in Russian.
Children! Have you ever What do you think about ants?
asked yourself questions Do you know about their abili-
like these: How did our ties and intelligent behavior?
earth come into existence? Do you know why Omar is fas-
Where were you before you cinated by the little world of the
were born? How did ants? If you want to learn the
oceans, trees, animals ap- answers to these questions,
pear on earth? Who was the read this book.
first human being? In this
book you will find the true
answers to these questions.
Dear children, while reading When you read this book you
this book, you will see how will learn a great deal about
God has created all the beavers. You will learn that
creatures in the most beau- Karim's new friends build intri-
tiful way and how every one cate constructions with innate
of them show us His end- skills. And finally, you will learn
less beauty, power and that it is God, Who endowed
knowledge. them with these skills.
Omar meets his friend, hon- Children, the wide world you
eybee, in a trip to a forest. enter as you read this book is
The honeybee tells him how one of enormous concern to
they build honeycombs, you. You may not have realized
what kind of an order there it so far, but trillions of workers
is in their hive, and many are currently working on your
other things. At the end of behalf in this giant world. You
this visit, Omar learns that it will learn how these workers in
is our Lord, God, Who your body, the wide world in
taught honeybees every- question, are cells, far too small
thing they know. to be visible to the naked eye.