Page 591 - Yaratılış Atlası 2. Cilt
P. 591

Harun Yahya

             59. Nova Productions, Who Built the Pyramids,     87. Edward McCrady, Genesis and Pagaan Cosmogonies, Trans.
             60.                  Vict. Instit. 72 (1940), sf.55
             61. Donald E. Chittick, The Puzzle of Ancient Man, s. 109-    88. Max Muller,  History of Sanskrit Literature: Quoted by
             110                                                           Samuel Zwemer, sf. 87
             62. The six thousand yer old space suit. Vaughn M. Greene,    89. Axel  Persson,  The Religion of Greece in Prehistoric Times,
             önsöz Zecharia Sitchin                                        University of California Press, 1942, sf. 124
             63.              90. Book review, American Journal of Archaeology, 43 (1939): sf.
             64.              170-171
             65.                                                           91. Tim Folger, "Buradan Sonsuzluğa", Discover, Aralık 2000,
         sf. 54
             66. Donald E. Chittick, The Puzzle of Ancient Man, Advanced
             ry/0,,1854232,00.html, Revealed: world's oldest
             computer,Helena Smith, Sunday August 20, 2006
             68.William R. Corliss,  Ancient Man: A Handbook of Puzzling
             Artifacts, Maryland: The Sourcebook Project, 1978, s. 443
             69. Yüce Tanrı'nın İzinde, Cep Kitapları, İstanbul, Nisan 1995,
             sf. 186
             70. Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record
             to a New
             History of Life, The Free Press, A Division of Simon & Schuster,
             Inc., 1999, sf. 5
             71. Phillip E. Johnson, Reason in the Balance: The Case Against
             Naturalism in
             Science,  Law & Education (Downers Grove, Illinois:
             InterVarsity Press,1995), sf. 62
             72. Temel Britannica, Cilt 16, Ana Yayıncılık, İstanbul: Haziran
             1993, sf.203
             73. Georges Contenau,  Everday Life in Babylon and Assyrıa,
             Edward Arnold Publishers, London, 1964
             74. S.N.Kramer,  Tarih Sümer'de Başlar, Türk Tarih Kurumu
             Yayınları, Ankara: 1990, sf. 224-231
             77. Swisher III, Roger Lewin, Java Man, Abacus, London, 2002,
             sf. 205
             78. Derek Bickerton, "Babel's Cornerstone," New Scientist (vol.
             156, October 4, 1997), sf. 42
             79. Richard Dawkins,  Unweaving the Rainbow Boston,
             Houghton-Miflin Co., 1998, sf. 294
             80. Wilkins, W.K. & Wakefield, J., Brain evolution and neurolin-
             guistic preconditions. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (1): 161-226
             81. Noam Chomsky, Powers and Prospects, sf.16
             82. Stephen H. Langdon, "Semitic Mytology of All Races", Vol.
             V, Archaeol. Instit. Amer., 1931, s. xviii
             83. Stephen H. Langdon, The Scotsman, 18 Kasım 1936
             84. H. Frankfort, Third Preliminary Report on Excavations at
             Tell  Asmar (Eshnunna): Quoted by P.J. Wiseman in New
             Discoveries in Babylonia about Genesis, Marshall, Morgan
             and Scott, sf. 24.
             85. P. Le Renouf, "Lectures on the Origin and Growth of
             Religion" as illustrated by the Religion of  Ancient Egypt,
             Williams and Norgate, London, 1897, s. 90
             86. Sir Flinders Petrie, The Religion of Ancient Egypt, Constable,
             London, 1908, sf. 3-4

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