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ANMERKUNGEN                                    42. John Whitfield, “Oldest member of human family found”, Nature, July 11,
                 1. Søren Løvtrup , Darwinism: The Refutation of A Myth, New York: Croom Helm,  43. “Face of Yesterday: Henry Gee on the dramatic discovery of a seven-million-
                 1987, S. 422.                                                     year-old hominid,” The Guardian, July 11, 2002.
                 2. Richard Leakey, The Making of Mankind, London: Michael Joseph Limited,  44. Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time, S. 5.
                 1981, S. 43.                                                      45. Ebd., S. 32.
                 3. David Pilbeam, American Scientist, Volumen 66, Mai-Juni, 1978, S. 379.  46. F. Clark Howell, Thoughts on the Study and Interpretation of the Human
                 4. Jonathan Wells earned a doctorate at Yale University, and another for molec-  Fossil Record, S. 1.
                 ular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also continu-  47. Tom Abate, San Francisco Chronicle, Februar 19, 2001.
                 ing his research on Darwinism at the Discovery Institute in Seattle.  48. Encyclopædia Britannica, “Modern Materialism.”
                 5. Some readers may find it odd to see evolution described as a religion, al-  49. Werner Gitt, In the Beginning Was Information, CLV, Bielefeld, Germany,
                 though this is actually most accurate. Any religion expresses basic principles  Seiten 107-141.
                 that a person believes in and which shape his perspective on life. In imposing a  50. George C. Williams, The Third Culture: Beyond the Scientific Revolution, (ed.
                 materialist perspective, the theory of evolution is based not on science, but on  John Brockman), New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995, Seiten 42-43.
                 faith. Among those who have described this theory as a religion are such evolu-  51. Phillip Johnson’s Weekly Wedge Update, “DNA Demoted,” April 30, 2001,
                 tionists as Julian Huxley and Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.
                 6. Benjamin D. Wiker, “Does Science Point to God? Part II: The Christian Critics”,  52. Ebd.
                 The Crisis Magazine, July-August 2003,                            53. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species & The Descent of Man, New York: The
                   Modern Library, S. 398.
                 7. Francis Darwin, The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volumen 2, Charles  54. Charles Darwin, “Letter to Asa Gray,” September 10, 1860, in Francis Darwin
                 Darwin to J.D. Hooker, Down [March 29, 1863].                     (ed.), The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin, Volumen II (New York: D. Appleton
                 8. “The Crucible of Life,” Earth, Februar 1998.                   and Company, 1896), S. 131.
                 9. “The Rise of Life on Earth,” National Geographic, March 1998.  55. “Haeckel’s Fraudulent Charts”;
                 10. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, Science or Myth, Why Much of What We  dia/17rec03.html.
                 Teach About Evolution is Wrong, Washington, DC, Regnery Publishing, 2000, S.  56. L. Rutimeyer, “Referate,” Archiv fur Anthropologie, 1868.
                 21.                                                               57. Francis Hitching, The Neck of the Giraffe: Where Darwin Went Wrong, New
                 11. Jeremy Rifkin, Algeny: A New World, Istanbul: Ufuk Kitaplari, 2001, S. 133.  York: Ticknor and Fields 1982, S. 204.
                 12. Paul Davies, C.W. [renowned physicist] & Adams Phillip [journalist], More Big  58. Elizabeth Pennisi, “Haeckel’s Embryos: Fraud Rediscovered,” Science,
                 Questions, ABC Books: Sydney, Australia, 1998, Seiten 53-54, 47-48, 48.  September 5, 1997. (emphasis added)
                 13. Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box; The Biochemical Challenge to  59. Ebd. (emphasis added)
                 Evolution, The Free Press, 1996, S. x.                            60. Ebd.
                 14. Ebd., Seiten 4-5.                                             61. Ken McNamara, “Embryos and Evolution,” New Scientist, Volumen 12416,
                 15. Gerald L. Schroeder, The Hidden Face of God, The Free Press, New York,  Oktober 16, 1999. (emphasis added)
                 2001, S. 62.                                                      62. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, S. 84.
                 16. Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box, S.5.                     63. Ebd., S. 85.
                 17. W. R. Bird, The Origin of Species Revisited, Nashville: Thomas Nelson Co.,  64. Ebd., S. 86.
                 1991, S. 325.                                                     65. Charles Darwin, “Letter to Asa Gray,” September 10, 1860, in Francis Darwin
                 18. The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Chicago, 1993.               (ed.), The Life and Letters of Charles Darwin , Volumen II, S. 131.
                 19. Ebd.                                                          66. For a demolition of Dawkins’ thesis of the “blind watchmaker” see Lee
                 20. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, New  Spetner, Not By Chance: Shattering the Modern Theory of Evolution, Judaica
                 York: The Modern Library, S. 234.                                 Press, 1997; Michael J. Behe, Darwin’s Black Box: The Biochemical Challenge to
                 21. Alan Feduccia, The Origin and Evolution of Birds, Yale University Press,  Evolution, The Free Press, 1996; Phillip E. Johnson, Darwin on Trial, Zweite
                 1999, S. 81.                                                      Ausgabe, InterVarsity Press, 1993.
                 22. Niles Eldredge, and Ian Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, Columbia  67. Richard Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, London: Penguin Books, 1986,
                 University Press, 1982, Seiten 45-46. (emphasis added)            Seiten 93-94.
                 23. C.P. Hickman [Professor Emeritus of Biology at Washington and Lee  68. Michael Denton, “The Inverted Retina: Maladaptation or Pre-adaptation?,”
                 University in Lexington], L.S. Roberts [Professor Emeritus of Biology at Texas  Origins & Design, 19:2, Issue 37, 1999.
                 Tech University], and F.M. Hickman, 1988, Integrated Principles of Zoology,  69. Ebd.
                 Times Mirror/Moseby College Publishing, St. Louis, MO. 939 S. 866.  70. G.L. Walls, The Vertebrate Eye, New York: Hafner Publishing Company,
                 24. T. S. Kemp, Fossils and Evolution, Oxford University Press, 1999, S. 246.  1963, S. 652.
                 25. David Berlinksi, Commentary, September 1996, S. 28.           71. Michael Denton, “The Inverted Retina: Maladaptation or Pre-adaptation?,”
                 26. Gerald Schroeder, Evolution: Rationality vs. Randomness, http://www.ger-  Origins & Design, 19:2, Issue 37, 1999.
                                         72. T.J. McIlwain, An Introduction to the Biology of Vision, Cambridge:
                 27. Stephen J. Gould, “An Asteroid to Die For,” Discover, Oktober 1989, S. 65.  Cambridge University Press, 1996, S. 14.
                 28. Gregory A. Wray, “The Grand Scheme of Life,” Review of The Crucible  73. Michael Denton, “The Inverted Retina: Maladaptation or Pre-adaptation?,”,
                 Creation: The Burgess Shale and the Rise of Animals by Simon Conway Morris,  Origins & Design, 19:2, Issue 37, 1999.
                 Trends in Genetics, Februar 1999, Volumen 15, no. 2.              74. Charles Darwin, The Origin of Species, III. ed. Chapter 13: “Mutual Affinities
                 29. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, S. 31.                    of Organic Beings: Morphology: Embryology: Rudimentary Organs.”
                 30. Niles Eldredge, Ian Tattersall, The Myths of Human Evolution, Seiten 126-  75.
                 127.                                                              /Lab/6562/evolution/designgonebad.html.
                 31. Richard C. Lewontin, Human Diversity, Scientific American Library: New York  76. S. R. Scadding, “Do ‘Vestigial Organs’ Provide Evidence for Evolution?,”
                 NY, 1995, S. 163.                                                 Evolutionary Theory, Volumen 5, Mai, 1981, S. 173.
                 32. Henry Gee, In Search of Deep Time: Beyond the Fossil Record to a New  77. Paul A. Nelson, “Jettison the Arguments, or the Rule? The Place of Darwinian
                 History of Life, New York: The Free Press, 1999, Seiten 116-117.  Theological Themata in Evolutionary Reasoning,” Access Research Network,
                 33. Bernard Wood, Mark Collard, “The Human Genus,” Science, Volumen 284,  1988,
                 No 5411, April 2, 1999, Seiten 65-7.                              78. George Schaller, H. Jinchu, S. Wenshi, and Z. Jing, The Giant Pandas of
                 34. Pat Shipman, “Doubting Dmanisi,” American Scientist, November-  Wolong (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1986), 4; 58. (emphasis added)
                 December 2000, S. 491.                                            79. “Role of the giant panda’s ‘pseudo-thumb,” Nature, Volumen 397, Januar 28,
                 35. Roger Lewin, Bones of Contention, The University of Chicago Press, S. 312.  1999, Seiten 309-310.
                 36. John R. Durant, “The Myth of Human Evolution,” New Universities Quarterly  80. Ebd.
                 35. (1981), Seiten 425-438.                                       81. Gretchen Vogel, “Objection #2: Why Sequence the Junk?,” Science, Februar
                 37. G. A. Clark and C. M. Willermet (eds.), Conceptual Issues in Modern Human  16, 2001.
                 Origins Research, New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1997, S. 76.       82. Wojciech Makalowski, “Not Junk After All,” Science, Volumen 300, Number
                 38. Jonathan Wells, Icons of Evolution, S. 225.                   5623, Mai 23, 2003.
                 39. Paul S. Taylor, Origins Answer Book, Eden Communications, 1995, S. 35.  83.
                 40. John Whitfield, “Oldest member of human family found,” Nature, July 11,  /od182/ls182.htm#anchor569108.
                 2002.                                                             84. “Does nonsense DNA speak its own dialect?,” Science News, Volumen 164,
                 41. D.L. Parsell, “Skull Fossil From Chad Forces Rethinking of Human Origins,”  December 24, 1994.
                 National Geographic News, July 10, 2002.                          85. Hubert Renauld and Susan M. Gasser, “Heterochromatin: a meiotic match-

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