Page 80 - Das Wunder der Migration bei Tieren
P. 80
Jet fleets and
migratORY birds
Jet fle ets fly in V for ma ti on.
The re is a very im por tant re ason for this.
Flying in for ma ti on, each pla ne ca uses a
vortex di ago nal to its wings. This me ans
that the pla ne be hind is sub jec ted to less
air drag and ne eds to use less po wer, re sul -
ting in a 20% sa ving of fu el.
Surp ri singly, mig ra ting birds al so ha ve
this know led ge. Ge ese, ducks and swans
al so use this V for ma ti on in flight.
Each bird be ne fits from the field ca used
by the bird in front. Flying in le ading po si -
ti on is ti ring, and the birds ta ke turns at
this duty.
And he re is the big sec ret: Flight in V for -
ma ti on uses less fu el, a fact dis co ve red by
ae rody na mic en gi ne ers.
But how do mig ra tory birds know this sci -
en ti fic cal cu la ti on?
How do they or ga ni ze them sel ves in a dis -
cip li ned fas hi on?
How do es each bird know its pla ce in the
co ur se of flight?
Why do birds ma ke sac ri fi ces for each ot -
her by ta king turns in le ading po si ti on?
The se qu es ti ons le ad us back on ce mo re to
the truth of creation.
God creates all species with per fect bodies
and ins pires them to use their features in
the best way.